indian physio need council
Let me introduce myself, I am Vijay Sharma, and have just completed my B.P.T final year.
Being physiotherapists we all know the status of Physiotherapy in India. Today,despite of our extensive knowledge of subjects ,we are prevented from attaining the status we deserve among the medical professionals.
Who can be held responsible for this?
Government? For its policies and depriving us of our council?
Most of will answer yes. Actually its WE-the upcoming Physiotherapists who haven’t taken any initiative till date in this direction. Just blaming others and waiting for the initiating steps to follow can never provide us with a solution.
Even nurses have a council, then why do we lack?
Our country needs us in same way as it needs any MBBS or MD. Government needs to recognize it.
I accept that physiotherapy evolved as diploma courses in India and may be at that time Physiotherapy Association was sufficient as an administrative body. But status of Physiotherapy has improved a lot since the bachelors and masters degree programs have been introduced in India in this field.
So,it’s right time to ask for council so that WE-the upcoming Physiotherapists and our juniors can enjoy the status of respectable medical professionals.
Another major drawback that we are facing is the lack of job in government institutions and moreover the salary scales in government jobs need to be revised as these are still according to DPT qualifications.
Also,our profession is considered as referred system of practice in India owing to lack of legal umbrella that is the PHYSIOTHERAPY COUNCIL OF INDIA.
So, its high times that we all should acknowledge the need for physiotherapy council and put in our best efforts in the way towards enlightenment in same context.
All those awakened are invited to join the group, so that we all can collectively make fruitful efforts in the process of physiotherapy council.
Kindly appreciate the initiative and forward this to all physiotherapists so that we can make it a national issue.
indian physio need council
Hi Mr.Sharma,
Thank you for the topic and realisations of we being ignored.But to be frank-Govt of India, min of social justice and empowerment included Physiotherapist in the Rehabilitation council of India(RCI) with constitutional bill approved by the President.It was in 1999.
But to the sad part of it, some private associations oposed it and gone to court for stay!The govt was quick to respond-PT category being deleted with another bill immediately.
So now whom you feel to blame.I was one of the person to keep writing to Govt of India and RCI for long.But due to some persons personal loss of chair(?) we lost all.
zNow it will take another 50 year till thse old people die and new generation takes care of you like people.
Indian Physios need Council
Hi Vijay Sharma,
I am really happy to know that one has bought this topic to web.Congrats for that!.I am M.Karthikeyan,MPT (Neuro) working as Assistant Professor in Chennai.I totally agree with you regarding the need for the council.Lets join hands buddy!!!!!!.
Some guidelines to gear up protest
To achieve your goal you need to show continues demonstration. You can consider the following points for concentrating protest:
• At first Clear the difference between Diploma and BSc degree. The person who has a Diploma degree will work as a assistant of a physiotherapist. It’s not very difficult to understand.
• Make a provisional committee and its function would be building good communication (by letter, e-mail, phone call) with physios across India and gathering & shorting out their opinion.
• Arrange a discussion seminar in which everybody should be invited if possible cause if don’t invite as much as possible they will get the chance of blaming you later. This could ruin your efforts. At that meeting ,you will fabricate a ACTING COMMITTEE by the votes of attending physios .This committee will take further action like creating public awareness about the its importance (by means of both printing .& electronic media), how physiotherapy can improve their wellbeing and lower their cost etc.They will arrange seminar symposium procession .
• Most important thing is to convince Lawmakers.
• Decide who the enemies of physiotherapy are and what their interests are.
Stick together and bring the good days of physiotherapy in the subcontinent. Best luck.
(A physio from Bangladesh)
some suggestion to consider
Dear mr. Vijay
A hearty appriciation of your effort to raise voice for the council.
I'm a Physio presently in uk. Was working in india as lecturer for 4 years.
I too share similar feeling that of other folks in the sceen. As everybody must agree that it will not be a one day affair and one man show
I suggest a strategies to move forward.
1. Gather the support to create a political force of sufficient number.
2. Try to bring in the notice of the all the political person known to each and every member. the sitting MLAs and MPs of the sitting government of the your region should be the first target.
3. A regional commitee can be a more organised approch to start with, as a representative can arrange a meeting to the local MPs and MLAs and draw their attention to the problem.
4. the area of empasis should be that the harm that public and society at a large may have if the council is not grated which can regulate the proffessionals behavior rather then emphasing at the need of we as a proffessionals.
This recommandations are open for debat and suggestions are wellcome.
any personal comment and clarification can be directed at [email protected]