Re: Adult Osgood Schlatters?
I know this is quite an old thread but if you still happen to be looking at these would love to know how your knee is going? I have identical symptoms to what you have descibed and have persisted with exercise especially mountain biking with tolerable pain levels for a couple of years. in last 8 months has got worse and have now had 2 cortisone injections- first helped temporarily, second didn't. Now have constant pain and not exercising other than swimming and kayaking and some light eccentric quads stuff which still seems to be aggravating. Diagosed insertional tendonosis on US. Lump getting bigger.
Would love to know if yours got better?
Re: Adult Osgood Schlatters?
Hello Allison
Me Myself is facing the same problem like yours, I am a soccer player. I understood the problem occurs if there is no proper stretching done before and after the game. when you miss your warm up and cool down part , then we could face this kind of problems if you are playing continuously. I was playing thrice a week of 2 hrs session without any warm up and stretching ..result is the ossification process on the joint where patella tendon connects to tibula. I have met a physio and doing my Quad muscle strengthening and releasing the tight muscles... I advice you to stop playing what is causing this..give complete rest and go on for the strengthening of is better to miss some months of game instead missing it for life time..I don't have much pain now after stretching and rest..Tractional apophysitis is the term opt for this kind of cases..
Re: Adult Osgood Schlatters?
Hi KneeKnack,
Can't believe that I've only just found this post!!! Is there any update on your condition at all?
I've had the same issue as you as well for years. I've been doing sports, volleyball, basketball, football all my life. Playing 5 a Side for the past 7 years seems to have killed my knees though. I'm 35, 66kgs or so, now and have quit football as 40 mins of 5 a side meant i could barely walk. It took about 3 months for the pain to go away after giving up football and its the best thing i've done for the pain and ache. Although with the snow my knees are so stiff and muscles so tight.
I went to several physio's but the exercises that i did that I found helped most were the stepping off the bottom step of a stair with one leg and then the other. Then repeating stepping off that step sideways and finally backwards. It took about 10 mins, hurt like bugger too while doing it. But the progress was a boost to my motivation. I've been doing that on and off for 3 or 4 years and i think its helped in day to day life. I wish that i had done them on a daily basis though. If i had i think i might be a lot better off today. I know do deep squats, front squats and leg raises. The knees ache after I need to do more stretches and more massages - they can take all the pressure out of the IT bands which seems to be a key issue for me. They also point out that i had fallen arches and that an instep thing could help possibly.
Has surgery been talked about to you? There seem to be varying reports on line as to the results.
Re: Adult Osgood Schlatters?
I have exactly the same symptoms as described, I wish I found this page a long time ago, I'm on the verge of quitting football (that I am addicted to) for this reason.
I will take some more time out and try these exercises, then perhaps try again.
If the OP could let us know how he got on there would be a few people appreciating the feedback from the kind people who offered their advice.
Re: Adult Osgood Schlatters?
I have searched the site for 'Osgood Schlatters', but most, if not all, posts relate to adolescents or adults who had the condition in adolescence. Because I have only had this problem in my 30s, it cannot be Osgood Schlatters per se, but some sort of 'mock' Osgood Schlatters, if such a thing exists. I also wonder if jumper's knee relates to my symptoms.