Feldenkrais and NLP and Physiotherapists
I have trained in NLP to Trainer level, and Feldenkrais to teacher level, and well as being a Physiotherapist specialising in Musculo-skeletal Medicine and Rehabilitation. I use the processes every day in my clinical practice. I am testing the waters to invite Physiotherapists who have come across these processes and would be interested in doing Introductory, and Practitioner NLP training with an emphasis on body mind connecetion. I am based in the South of the UK
07885 467466 Jill Wigmore Welsh
Feldenkrais, NLP and Physiotherapists
Anyone know any physios in Sydney doing this? I am also trained in NLP, not Feldenkrais though; have not worked out a viable way of including NLP in with my physio sessions but can see great value in doing this.
Would love to know how you are bringing the methods together in clinical practice.
Re: Feldenkrais, NLP and Physiotherapists
Yes there are Feldenkrais Trained Physiotherapists in Sydney. If you key in the Australian Guild of Feldenkrais Practitioners you should get a hit. I use NLP all the time in 'clinic' practice. First I use it myself. I always set an anchored resourseful state prior to working. I teach anchoring to clients with chronic pain problems, use all the language patterns, meta programmes, and Erikson Language. Second positioning I find very helpful for clients who have been given traumatic diagnosis of terminal or life threatening illness.I use a trauma release process which is very healing for RTA etc clients. I use both NLP and Feldenkrais processes all day every day!
Re: Feldenkrais and NLP and Physiotherapists
Hello All,
Has been interesting reading these threads.
Could anyone direct me to a good teaching acadamy where i maybe able to learn NLP to assist me in my practise? I have been interested in this for some time now... However some of the practitionaer courses appear costly... and i would like to explore all options.
Many thanks for any reply.