Re: Chronic Hamstring Strain
I think is not only hamstring strain, i think Your pelvis and/or lumbar back is involved in this problem.Possibly between the last lumbar and the first sacral level, or/and ligaments of the pelvis, or /and
sacroiliac joint. Is important to invastigate it, cos imbalance can hinder recovery of your hamstrings, or be the source of your problem.
take care
get well
Fizjomanual I Fizjosport - Start
Re: Chronic Hamstring Strain
I agree with Yarok. There may be a contribution from other regions of your body such as your lower back (e.g. lumbar disc bulge). This would need to be confirmed clinically and should be discussed with your physio.
Best of luck,
Re: Chronic Hamstring Strain
Yes, you're right, I have had issues with lower back for years and do pilates. yoga etc - but have had osteo exams and physio several years ago and they all say nothing structuraly wrong, just posturally - which I spend a lot of effort on trying to get right.
In the meantime though - would like to be able to minimise the flare ups of hamstring, and just want to know if a bandage is likely to offer support?
Will see a private physio soon.
Many thanks,
Re: Chronic Hamstring Strain
Well well, looks like you are right Yarok! The physio said it didn't sound muscular but neural, and said that the pelvis is unbalanced and the nerve trapped somewhere.
Sacroiliac joint not moving as it should. Very helpful, thanks, feel I have some hope of recovery now!
Have some "core" exercises to do. Be useful to know what causes these types of issues?
Originally Posted by
I think is not only hamstring strain, i think Your pelvis and/or lumbar back is involved in this problem.Possibly between the last lumbar and the first sacral level, or/and ligaments of the pelvis, or /and sacroiliac joint. Is important to invastigate it, cos imbalance can hinder recovery of your hamstrings, or be the source of your problem.
take care
get well
Fizjomanual I Fizjosport - Start