9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
Back pain issues I've had for 4 years mid back on and off
Had a MRI scan in Sept 2013 showed clear thoraric but slight Spondylitis in the cervical region of my neck
For the last nine weeks I've been having back spasam and mid back ache only when I sit down though - when I'm walking/standing it's OK
I've had ibrouproien gel - seen a chriopratic three times, but no help seems to make it worse! no use now just taking pain killers
My gp says it does not warrant an MRI and has refered me for physio & too multiskeleital I'm just waiting for an appointment on the NHS
i normally swim three times a week, but haven't been for 9 weeks, because a few weeks ago i tried and my back let uncomfortable and had a back spasm when i came out of the pool
i can no longer sit down on my sofa anymore as my back starts to ache, so I'm sitting on a firm upright chair this does however decreases the back mid ache, I've tried doing light stretches lying down and lifting my back like a cobra exercise but stopped doing this as when i go to get up i go in spasm, sometimes I've noticed as well when I'm a passenger in a car and they goto excleerate fast, or break by back hurts like jolts into a small spasm, if this makes any sense???
I'm at my wits end now its making me feel depressed, and down because its not going away, any ideas? suggestions
? advice and help
i would have thought my GP would have sent me for a plain X-ray but they won't, keep saying muscular, I've had full blood works for anemia, b12, bone etc etc everything fine apart from my folate thats high 15
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
Hi Kevmos27, the good news is that this sounds very normal and you are one of the 85% + of people who experience this at one time or another. The fact it is mid back in sitting and is relieved when you stand suggested you have probably a mechanical issue in that region, probably the result of too much sitting slumped and therefore two much repetitive load on that section of the spine.
The remedy if this is the case is going to be to try and restore your spines mobility from top to tail, both its ability to flex (bend forward) and extend backwards, side bend with rotation both left and right. It's not difficult to gain some more mobility but it does take a little time and progressive exercises/stretches to get there. Manipulation is effective would only be very short term. Anti-inflammatories would be of little to no use as you are probably not dealing with inflammation. It is mechanical and so a simple pain killer e.g. panadol might give temporary relief but certainly no cure.
While you are waiting I would invest in some deep tissue massage to the spine, maybe two sessions a week for 2-3 weeks. A studio based pilates class (using equipment to help mobilise the spine) would also be a benefit. Basically you probably just need to invest some time and effort in unlocking what has being to get a little stiff so you can stop aggravating the segment that might have taken a little to much load and might have become a little too mobile (hence the spasm to try and block the annoying movement).
Don't get depressed about it, it is very normal and I have been through this type of thing myself from time to time. It's a wakeup call to keep moving, the swimming is great but then depends how you swim. Some backstroke to help balance things out as you get more mobile could really help too.
Hope this gives you some assistance. As you know this is a forum, so we can only offer an opinion and perhaps a course of action based on words and not visual and physical assessment. But from what you've mentioned I do agree with your GP that MRI/X-Rays etc would not be indicated at this time. You could invest in a foam roller and lay lengthways on it for 15-20mins daily as a way to give the spine a rest. There's a load of exercises your Physio can then give you once you see them to use with the roller.
Let us know how you get on in due course.
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
please see below some more questions please
Originally Posted by
Hi Kevmos27, the good news is that this sounds very normal and you are one of the 85% + of people who experience this at one time or another. The fact it is mid back in sitting and is relieved when you stand suggested you have probably a mechanical issue in that region, probably the result of too much sitting slumped and therefore two much repetitive load on that section of the spine.
i don't really sit much in the day maybe just a few hours i do get up and walk about etc
The remedy if this is the case is going to be to try and restore your spines mobility from top to tail, both its ability to flex (bend forward) and extend backwards, side bend with rotation both left and right. It's not difficult to gain some more mobility but it does take a little time and progressive exercises/stretches to get there. Manipulation is effective would only be very short term. Anti-inflammatories would be of little to no use as you are probably not dealing with inflammation. It is mechanical and so a simple pain killer e.g. panadol might give temporary relief but certainly no cure.
whats side bend rotation left and right? tried manipulation, a chrio 4 times its made it worse, i can't take anti inflames so just using inflam gel 10 percent gel,
While you are waiting I would invest in some deep tissue massage to the spine, maybe two sessions a week for 2-3 weeks. A studio based pilates class (using equipment to help mobilise the spine) would also be a benefit. Basically you probably just need to invest some time and effort in unlocking what has being to get a little stiff so you can stop aggravating the segment that might have taken a little to much load and might have become a little too mobile (hence the spasm to try and block the annoying movement).
ok il try that deep tissue massage on back any that you recommend?
Don't get depressed about it, it is very normal and I have been through this type of thing myself from time to time. It's a wakeup call to keep moving, the swimming is great but then depends how you swim. Some backstroke to help balance things out as you get more mobile could really help too.
one gp said don't swim another said swim. so i have no idea what to do what kind of strokes are best,
Hope this gives you some assistance. As you know this is a forum, so we can only offer an opinion and perhaps a course of action based on words and not visual and physical assessment. But from what you've mentioned I do agree with your GP that MRI/X-Rays etc would not be indicated at this time. You could invest in a foam roller and lay lengthways on it for 15-20mins daily as a way to give the spine a rest. There's a load of exercises your Physio can then give you once you see them to use with the roller.
whats a foam roller and what do i do with this? one physic gave me some exercices, but when i go to do them it hurts or i go in spasm? so how can i keep doing them will it anoy the situation and make it worse??
i forgot to say my chrio said i do have a slight curverture of the spine
Let us know how you get on in due course.
3 Attachment(s)
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
See attached some images of simple stretches on a foam roller. You can find these in most sports shops, yoga shops or just on google search. Any good deep tissue massage therapist will do, perhaps one linked to a sports/athletics club. And everyone has a slight curvature of the spine ;-) Be careful you are not over diagnosed as it is so easy to fall into that trap. The rotations I describe in layman's terms are just twisting left and right in your torso. This movement requires extension and rotation of the spine as you bend to one side so you work on releasing both movement elements in order to restore that normal movement (not via manipulation). Your physio will show you some options for exercises to address that.
In terms of swimming, there is swimming and then swimming. As a swim coach I have seen hundreds of versions of 'swimming' so in general swimming would be good once the issue is resolving. While it is there I would think breaststroke would not be so good. Freestyle/crawl could be OK but then only you can judge that. It won't harm, it might simple irritate which will stop when you stop.
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
i have a slight curvature of the spine not sure if I mentioned this
thanks for the info
Originally Posted by
See attached some images of simple stretches on a foam roller. You can find these in most sports shops, yoga shops or just on google search. Any good deep tissue massage therapist will do, perhaps one linked to a sports/athletics club. And everyone has a slight curvature of the spine ;-) Be careful you are not over diagnosed as it is so easy to fall into that trap. The rotations I describe in layman's terms are just twisting left and right in your torso. This movement requires extension and rotation of the spine as you bend to one side so you work on releasing both movement elements in order to restore that normal movement (not via manipulation). Your physio will show you some options for exercises to address that.
In terms of swimming, there is swimming and then swimming. As a swim coach I have seen hundreds of versions of 'swimming' so in general swimming would be good once the issue is resolving. While it is there I would think breaststroke would not be so good. Freestyle/crawl could be OK but then only you can judge that. It won't harm, it might simple irritate which will stop when you stop.
- - - Updated - - -
So sorry forgot to ask
if I've got which I've been told I have slight curvature
of the spine, what if I have disk issues
will the deep tissue massage
and the foam roller make it worse
do I just lie on it and rock sided to side or just lie on it
thanks again
Originally Posted by
i have a slight curvature of the spine not sure if I mentioned this
thanks for the info
- - - Updated - - -
So sorry I didn't read all the post correctly what's extension bend rotation?
Il buy a foam roller today how does it help just by lying on it
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
Just on on it lengthways. Breath and relax on it for 10-15 mins, nothing more until you see someone but even that is a great help for most spines. It would be useful for a slight curvature. Again don't overthink things p.s.
And everyone has a slight curvature of the spine ;-)
Extend = bending backwards
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
I'veGot a roller today but could only lie in it about two mins felt it uncomfortable but not painfully
When I sat up felt really stiff my back but after about 5 mins it went off so far not had any back ache today, however I did it for a second time and felt a click or a cracking?? What's that all about
How many mins a day and how many times
Originally Posted by
Just on on it lengthways. Breath and relax on it for 10-15 mins, nothing more until you see someone but even that is a great help for most spines. It would be useful for a slight curvature. Again don't overthink things p.s. Extend = bending backwards
Re: 9 weeks on back ache mid back when sitting
As you've noted in your quote, just ly on it from 10-15mins. Build up to that if you need to. And try varying the arm positions as in the images. The cracking sounds like it could be a good thing as it means things are releasing. The is no more input / specifics commentary we can give over the forum as you now need a hands on physical assessment to provide any more detail to such a program. We hope that we've given you a starting point and something that will assist in the meantime.