Dutch Physio - academic curriculum
Hi there,
I'm a Dutch Physio who has just had her application sent back because the board missed a 'complete, official academic curriculum' and 'complete, official academic transcript'. I had translated the one my Uni supplied me with and had them officially sign it off... Don't know what else to do... Are there any other physio's who are able to help me with this?
I look forward to hearing from you! As I hope to submit a new application soon!
Re: Dutch Physio - academic curriculum
I had translated the one my Uni supplied me with and had them officially sign it off...
Well, ... are you sure? Why should they have send it back, if it was complete.
Just, in case of misunderstanding, and for all others who have a similar problem:
The 'complete, official academic curriculum' is your course handbook, including module desciptors, learning objectives, outcomes, assessment methods, etc. Usually a ?400 page document. If your university does not own an English version, you have to organise the translation of the whole document. I cannot even imagine how much that would cost....:o
The 'complete, official academic transcript' is the document (usually 3-4 pages), which discloses your marks in detail (every module/ subject, for every year).
Good luck,
Re: Dutch Physio - academic curriculum
Thank you for answering! The version I got from Uni was indeed an english-version (about 20 pages... not 400 though...) so I'll ask for the Dutch version as well to see if that one is bigger...
Once again thanks for repsonding to my question!!!
Kind regards, marjuka
Re: Dutch Physio - academic curriculum
Hoi Marjuka,
Lange tijd geleden dat je hier bent geweest, maar ik probeer het toch maar! Is het je gelukt je te registreren? En viel jij nog onder de oude registratievorm of de nieuwe met al de templates?
Ik heb wel wat vragen, met name over verschillen tussen onze en 'hun' curriculi. Kan ik je mailen? Zo ja, mijn mail is [email protected], ik hoor het wel.
Groetjes, Geert