Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi emanuela,
I´m from Venezuela, I´ll like to travel to australia for 2011. I would like to join the yahoo study group.
Would you like to send me some information such as study material and notes?
Thanks Indeed
Additional Comment I forgot:
I forgot to post my email: estirate at gmail, Thanks :)
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi Emanuela,
my name is Alex, I'm a Physio from Germany and worked the last 1.5 years under a limited registration in Victoria. In Sept 2009 I will sit the written exams and would love to join the aapta group to prepare for the exams.
My email adresse is: [email protected].
Thanks you very much, Alex
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
my name is chirayu desai can somebody plz help me with acopra studyn material i plan to sit for exams in september 2011
my email id
[email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi, i am physio from India, will be giving aecop exam in sept 2009. Please add me in ur study group n help prepare for the exam.
my email: [email protected]
thanks very much
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
I'll be attending the september 2009 exam, could you please add me to the study group. My email is [email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Could you please send me an invitation to the group. Thanks, so much!!
[email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Please can I join this group. My email address is [email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Could you please add me? And if anyone has any tips on where and how I can find past paper questions for the ACOPRA written exam PLEASE HELP!!
I am sitting the exam next week! ahhh! :eek:
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
I have a question about skill assessment for exam and migration purpose
Can applicants apply for migration after they pass the eligibility/skill assessment or they have to pass the physio exams first? I am confused about the information on the website of the APC. I contacted an immigration agency via a friend but was told that migration application can be started once the skill assessment has been done. But after I read the APC website, it seems not the case.
My concern is it is hard if one cannot move to Oz first before taking the exams. How other people usually do?
Please advise.
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Please can you invite me to join the yahoo study group. I'm due to sit the exams in March 2010. My email address is: [email protected]
Cheers :)
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
can i please have an invite to the study group also. [email protected]
i only seem to have stopped studying about a week ago for my degree but hey must get back on the machine.....
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi Emanuela,
Could you please add me to your study group. My email address is: [email protected]
BTW, I live in Perth too!!!
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
from discussions with vicki (below) we are not sure if the study group still exists. if not we will have to create our own. ...... haven't really started to look at the curriculum yet as still setting in to oz life. Physial
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi,Please can i be added to this study group.
Thanks my emaila is [email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
i am an egyptian physiotherapist and i hope you invite me to yahoo group to get ACOPRA materials
my yahoo ID is : [email protected]
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
check out wwwdoctorspulsecom
They help coach for the ACOPRA Exam.
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi Emanuela,
Could you please add me to your study group. My email address is: [email protected]
I'd like to apply for my Assessment in 2010.
Can anyone tell me how long does it takes to get a reply from Australian Physiotherapy Council from the moment you send all documentation needed?
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
An email is sent to acknowledge that the application has been received. If the application includes all of the required documents, an email is sent advising that the application has been sent to an assessor (this email is usually sent within 3 - 5 working days of the complete application being received). An email is sent when the assessor has advised the office of the outcome of the initial assessment (this email is sent 4 - 6 weeks after the complete application is received).
If the application does not include all of the required documents, an email is sent advising that the application has been sent back to the applicant.
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
i am planning to sit for an exam in sep 2010 .could anyone help me to have study material or inform me how to join the study group
Additional Comment I forgot:
hi emmi
how do you send the invite to join the study group
well my email id is [email protected]
and where i can see my responses to the ques asked
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
Hi there does anyone know if a newly qualified graduate can apply to the APC for skills recognition? Without clinical experience would I be eligible for the assessment process?
Study group website for APC (ex Acopra) exam
Hi all,
I am pleased to announce that we Australian Alliance of Physiotherapists Trained Abroad (AAPTA) have just renovated our website AAPTA - Helping Overseas Physiotherapists
All of you intending to go through APC procedure to get recognition in Australia can join us. We are a not for profit study group born in 2006 with the intent to help all overseas physios to pass the process.
In our online group, you'll find study material, info of any kind, a forum to chat with the other candidates and job ads. In some cities we also gather together and practise or deliver info sessions.
Since we exist the written exam pass rate has increased successfully, so we are sure you'll find the group very helpful.
To join us just go to the website AAPTA - Helping Overseas Physiotherapists and follow the instructions.
Good luck to everybody and I hope to see you soon in our forum!
Emanuela Canini
Aapta WA coordinator
Sports Physiotherapist
Migration Agent
Re: ACOPRA australian exam
my name is kavita
i m planning to sit for sep 2010 apc written exam. can u provide me reading material and previous sample papers.