This sections contains summary links from the PhysioBob's Jobs website.
You cannot post or reply directly in this section. To find out more and/or to apply simply click on the link that is at the bottom of each listing. To add a listing on the Physiobob's Jobs and Courses website click: Advertise a physiotherapy JobForum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 35
- Posts: 35
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OK all you cyber clients. This is the place to post us your problems and we'll do our best to give a bit of online advice. We have added a new, quick but essential, medical profile summary questionnaire to this section. Please do complete it as it will lead to better commentary/replies. Advice might come from various professionals from around the world with varying experiences. So take each bit of advice as something to take to your local physio or other registered health care professional.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 2,619
- Posts: 9,096
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Feel free to place advertisements for your both equipment you are looking for an things you are looking to sell. Buyers beware to check all sellers are legitimate and to protect yourself by only using a payment method that would allow you to make a claim if the goods do not arrive. e.g. PayPal or Card payment. Direct cash transfers or the sending of cheques are never recommended for online purchases. We do not accept any liability if things go wrong so please be thorough.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 305
- Posts: 668
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This is a general physiotherapy discussion forum. It is open to all participants. Please post your questions and advice on items of a general nature in this forum. If it is a more specific question please try one of the topic areas suggested below.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 1,948
- Posts: 6,450
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This is the Sports Physiotherapy discussion forum. This is the place to post all your questions, suggestions and/or words of advice on topics of a sporting nature.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 992
- Posts: 3,945
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Post all your questions and comments about manual therapy and general outpatient physiotherapy in this forum. This is the place to discuss topics such as back pain and cervical headache.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 807
- Posts: 3,673
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Post all your questions and comments about issues relating to orthopaedic physiotherapy in this forum. Ask advice about things such as arthritis, joint replacement, splinting & plastering or factors in treating the acute unstable fracture.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 669
- Posts: 2,662
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Post all your questions and comments about issues relating to neurology, stroke, head injury etc. in this forum. Ask advice about spasticity or factors in treating the acute neurological patient in ICU.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 634
- Posts: 2,386
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Post all your questions and comments about paediatric physiotherapy in this forum. This might include learning difficulties, congenital abnormalities, mobility aids, parent education and other aspects of helping a paediatric population.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 358
- Posts: 1,323
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This is a physiotherapy discussion forum on all aspects of cardiorespiratory physio. It is open to all participants. Please feel free to ask questions or offer advice to fellow PT's from around the world.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 209
- Posts: 783
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Add posts specific to the needs of managing a physiotherapy service, in either the public or private sector. Post guidelines and frameworks.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 142
- Posts: 389
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This section is a place to house patient surgery videos, explorations, even your outpatient clinic home videos. Post are moderated so please submit them here and we'll make them live as long as they are above board!
If you find this video is not playing on your local PC then perhaps it is because you do not have the latest Adobe Flash Player installed. This is a piece of FREE software that most up-to-date computers have, but not all. Download the latest flash video playerForum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 91
- Posts: 179
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Please post topics of interest about issues that surround physiotherapy and the private medical insurance (PMI) sector. Your early identification of potential issues help us to combat them before they take hold.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 26
- Posts: 265
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Over the few years we have been busy collating articles of interest for you all to use in your daily physio lives. We would welcome all suggestions and articles of interest you may care to send us to help this useful resource to grow on a global scale. Many thanks, PhysioBob.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 308
- Posts: 418
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This forum section is dedicated to the physio's roaming the globe in search of employment opportunities. Share your information and experience and ask your colleagues for assistance or advice. Also note that we have dedicated forum areas for: registration and working as a physiotherapist in: Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the USA.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 437
- Posts: 1,278
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Post in this topic area any questions that relate to the sitting and studying for international recognition exams. This might include Canadian, ACOPRA (Australian), US, New Zealand and UK Examinations.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 518
- Posts: 2,001
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This section is dedicated to all aspects and questions surrounding working as a physiotherapist in the United Kingdom. To work as a physio in the United Kingdom you will need to be registered with the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC), to be able to demonstrate your ability to speak and understand the English language to a required level and will need to have a visa to enter and work in the UK if you are not a British citizen or a national of an EEA country. See our Physiotherapy Registration page for more information and direct links to the appropriate organisations.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 178
- Posts: 482
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This section is dedicated to all aspects and questions surrounding registration and working as a physiotherapist in Australia. Currently the assessment of overseas qualified physiotherapists is undertaken by the Australian Physiotherapy Council. Please visit our Physiotherapy Registration links page for further information.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 246
- Posts: 1,095
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This section is dedicated to all aspects and questions surrounding working as a physiotherapist in New Zealand. To assist foreign trained physiotherapists understand their eligibility to apply for registration as a physiotherapist in New Zealand they have developed a Self-Evaluation Tool. This tool has been developed to assist you to self evaluate your eligibility to submit an application for registration. Please read carefully the detailed information on Board criteria before selecting your responses to the questions:Does your qualification and physiotherapy practice experience meet current Board criteria?; Do you meet current Board English language requirements?; Do you meet Board criteria for recency of practice? For more information and direct links to the governing bodies in New Zealand please refer to our Physiotherapy Registration page.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 174
- Posts: 1,170
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This section is dedicated to all aspects and questions surrounding working as a physiotherapist in Canada. In Canada, physiotherapy is a regulated profession. To work as a physiotherapist, you must register with the regulatory body in the province or territory where you work. It is illegal to practise if you are not licensed or registered. Only registered physiotherapists are eligible to use the terms “physiotherapist”, “physical therapist” and the professional designation “PT”. The Canadian Alliance of Physiotherapy Regulators (the Alliance) evaluates educational credentials and administers exams for competency on behalf of most of the provincial and territorial regulators. Each provincial and territorial regulator may also have additional requirements before you can practise. The Alliance provides information to the regulators on credentials and qualifications, and the regulators decide who can and who cannot receive a licence to practise. For more information and direct links to the governing bodies in Canada please refer to our Physiotherapy Registration page.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 290
- Posts: 1,486
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This section is dedicated to all aspects and questions surrounding working as a physiotherapist in the USA. Physio’s educated outside the U.S. who wish to work as physiotherapists (physical therapists) in the U.S. must possess the following: 1. Permission to work in the U.S. - granted by the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS); and 2. A physical therapy license - issued by each jurisdiction in which the physiotherapist intends to work. Applicants choose the state in which they wish to work. For more information and direct links to the governing bodies in the USA please refer to our Physiotherapy Registration page.
Forum Actions:
Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 240
- Posts: 827
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GROUPs can use this section to add attachments and images not yet possible within the group section. Title a Thread with the name of your group and then what's in there.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 11
- Posts: 23
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This forum contains help files for personal customization, login problems etc - please post your questions here or search for solutions to common problems.
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Forum Statistics:
- Threads: 15
- Posts: 31
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New Zealand - Manawatu-Wanganui - Bulls - Private Practice Msk Physiotherapist - ListingID: 8114608
Yesterday, 11:00 PM in Latest Physiotherapy Job & Course Vacancies