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    Dragging Toes/Tripping/Weakness

    Hello, I'm 28years old.

    For about the last 4 years off and on, I've experienced my toes dragging along the ground causing me to trip, or the sensation that one of my legs feels too weak to walk up a set of stairs, ect... I used to be a very very active person in sports such as skateboarding, volleyball and running. I used to be able to use a treadmill but now I'm stuck to an elliptical. Some days I can walk for hours and there's no problems, but some days it's so ridiculous that I opt to take a bus or drive instead. I sometimes have to walk slower than my group at times, and then others times I'm right no scheduled and can walk, jog, or jump fine. I've exercised my legs and feet thoroughly in the past to cross that out... I've been to foot doctors that say that my flat feet can cause this and have had insoles that have work temporarily but the symptoms always come back. There's no dumbness or tingling of any sort, only off and on weakness in either the feet, calves, or lower thighs. I'm in a different country right now and can't afford the medical bills so I'm looking to seek ideas online...

    It's the most annoying, uncontrollable thing that's happened to me. Ever.

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    Re: Dragging Toes/Tripping/Weakness

    Hi elliejah

    Dragging toes causing you to trip is most likely to do with weakness of the ankle muscles that lift the foot (tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum) - but you have probably worked that out yourself. Feeling like you can't get up stairs could involve some of the large muscles in your leg that work against gravity. There could be a large number of causes for this weakness. Why it is intermittent is an important point in diagnosing it. However to have weakness in the foot like that, particularly someone of your age needs to be taken seriously. There are some potentially quite serious conditions that can give you weakness. I am not saying you have a serious condition but I think you should get it properly investigated to get a proper diagnosis. I suggest you should ask to see a neurologist with the aim of ruling out anything serious and getting it properly diagnosed. If a patient came off the street to my clinic I would refer them straight away to a neurologist.

    I know you say you can't afford the bills but if by chance it turned out to be something serious, particularly if something can be done about it, you could miss an important opportunity. I think you should consider making this a high priority.

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    Re: Dragging Toes/Tripping/Weakness

    Hello, Thank you for the response.

    I went to an orthopedic today who examined me and determined that it wasn't a weakness of any of my muscles but more of my feet/bones/muscles not in the best places that they should have been. He did some work on my, and I'm giving myself a week with this treatment to see if this has helped any. I was told that my muscles would be far weaker than the tests that I did if it was neurological, but if this hasn't helped in a week, I'll for sure go in for a second opinion with a neurologist.

    Does this make any sense with you on your part?

    Thank you again for your response.
    Additional Comment I forgot:
    P.S. I noticed your flag, the country I'm in is actually Australia. I'm in Sydney.

    If you have ideas and such on something more like this, maybe I can come to your office in person for a different opinion/diagnosis.

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    Re: Dragging Toes/Tripping/Weakness

    Hi Elliejah

    Glad you have sought some help. I am afraid it doesn't make much sense to me but see how you get on. Keep persisting to find out what is going on.

    I am afraid I am NZ not Australia - the flags almost look the same. Still Sydney is a great city and Australia has a good health system.

    One thing you mentioned was that you don't have much money for specialists. I thought Canada and Australia had a mutual agreement so that you could get on Medicare there. But I could be wrong. check it out eh.

    All the best with your treatment

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    Re: Dragging Toes/Tripping/Weakness

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    cool post bro I loved it xD this forum rules.

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