About 6 weeks ago I got injured playing basketball. Here is my diagnosis:
There was evidence of severe soft tissue oedema overlying the ankle joint.
There was a complete full thickness tear of the anterior talofibular ligament.
This was accompanied by a joint effusion.
There was also evidence of tibialis posterior, peroneus longus and peroneus
brevis tenosynovitis.
I've been seeing a physiotherapist for about a week, and it's my first time ever seeing a physio, so i'm not sure whether he's doing the right thing or not. He's pressing on my ligaments and pushing down on my left ankle to the point where it is excruciatingly painful, and i can barely walk. I'm then told to do calf raises and then on the exercise bikes. After my session today, I got told to start jogging 10-20 minutes a day. I'm not sure whether its the right thing to do, my ligaments haven't healed up completely, and I'm still feeling uncomfortable walking with an ankle brace. Is this standard protocol or am i being a bit paranoid?

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