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Hi there,
Is your physio pressing on ligaments or on your tendons? Which part of your ankle is he pressing on? I would say as a general rule that Physio should not be excruciatingly painful. Your physio may be doing deep tissue work on the injured muscles (tibialis posterior, peroneus longus and bevis) which can be quite painful, however this should be done at your level of comfort. It definitely shouldn't be making you worse, which you seem to be indicating by saying that you are finding it difficult to walk now. There is not much evidence anyway for the use of massage in tenosynovitis conditions- it is more appropriate to try specific type of exercises (concentric and eccentric), and to use other methods to control the irritation of the tendon (which may include ultrasound, taping for support, orthotics, ice).
Also, you need to be able to walk 100% painfree before you consider jogging. Jogging can be quite stressful on the foot and ankle and shouldn't be progressed to until you are comfortable with walking (which will be based on you as an individual more so than expected/protocol timeframes).
At six weeks, ligament will show good healing- except in your case there is a full thickness tear- meaning the ATFL won't be able to repair/ grow back. However you can still recover well from this provided you have good balance and muscle control around the ankle. I think that it is the tenosynovitis of the other muscles which would be the cause of pain at present- this can be a relatively slow condition to resolve, depending on the severity, a few months may be required to get good control of this aspect.