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Thread: Fractured femur

  1. #1

    Fractured femur

    HI there,
    I am new to this...
    I have a questiopn to ask:
    there is 80 year old woman who has undergone a surgery due to bad fall. she had fractured her femur and now 3months has passed.
    her wound has healed well but she complains of unbearable pain on her back of her femur and it goe up to her knees.
    why is that?
    she is also going for her exercises and why do u think this pain is due to?
    what should she do now?
    thnaks and i hope i hear an reply soon as it is URGENT!@!!

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  2. #2
    The Physio Detective Array
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    Hi. Perhaps a litle more information might help.

    If she had surgery, was it an intramedullary nail? Pin and Plate? External fixateurs?

    If it was a nail, maybe it is the wrong size or too short and so has bowed the femur distally and causing pain.

    There are so many possibilities...

  3. #3
    :hat Hi Radhia

    1) What surgical procedure was done on her?
    2) When was the surgery?
    3) When did she start feeling pain? Before or after surgery?
    4) When you say her wound has healed, do you mean she had a compound # or the wound from surgery?
    5) Does she pain all the time/ sometimes/ only during mvt?
    6) Have you excluded the neurological involvement?

    Where does her pain come from?

    It can be a lot of things!

    Step 1: Come up with differential diagnosis/ possible causes
    from the Subjective Exam.
    Any structure that has nociceptors (including the
    skin) around that area can be possibly causing her
    pain! do ur assessment and pin point ur diagnosis.
    I agree with Alophysio but do your Assessment!

    Step 2: Treat the source pain. If it is Adhesive scar tissue,
    Mobilize the scar. If it is a Shortened muscle, stretch
    the hams. If you think the Nail is too short then
    reduce weight on the affected leg. if you are not sure
    what really causes the pain consult with your Doctors.

    I see a lot of patients from the Orthopaedic wards with different kinds of pain but i always pin point my source and deal with it and it works for me.

    You can write again with a detailed assessment of your patient and we will help you pin point the source!

    hope this will help! Cheers :hat

  4. #4
    Thanks for your reply....
    Sorry for the delay but I need to get more details like u said..But i will pass on the info....
    Thanks once again for the valuable info....

  5. #5
    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    Hi wizard...
    Thanks for ur piece of advice..Sorry for the delay but I am new to this...
    I will pass on and get back to u if any other details i come across....

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