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I had a bad injury where it felt like my arm was yanked out of the socket..i went to ER had xrays of my spine and shoulder...I was told nothing and sent home with ib profen...i feel like im on my death bed with the pain.
Fortunately it doesn't appear like there is any bony trauma or injury. What was your injury?
I am going to see a specialist as the ER was no use in treating me...not even a sling or neck brace..
The upper arm is very interesting in that it completely held into place by muscles. The humerus (upper arm bone) has significant muscle, ligament attachments and it is likely one of these or other associated structures were damaged, especially if it was a subluxation. Was it a full dislocation? Because this would significantly guide future treatment. Your risk of another dislocation would be increased, thus physiotherapy is important.
Does my shoulder look normal? it sure does not feel normal. Thanks for any advice and your time for replying to a person i need of help but has no where to currently turn. again thank you!
Hmm, this definitely sounds like a issue that needs hands on treatment. Without seeing the soft tissue, and especially feeling it it is almost impossible to determine the joint integrity and specifically what the problem is. Also, have you had any neurological tests to clear any neurological complications when the arm was placed back into normal position?