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View Poll Results: Should be be called "doctor"?

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  • Yes, it's obvious that we are doctors. What's there to argue with it

    20 33.90%
  • Of course we are doctors, but until otherwise both doctors and people accept that

    14 23.73%
  • It should be confronted by the WCPT

    8 13.56%
  • No we can't be called doctors, because in no way we meet their standards

    17 28.81%
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    why don't we called doctors ?

    we physiotherapists diagnose, treat and recover the patients from ailments
    then why don't we were called doctors: is it just because we never prescribe medicines, or we do not perform surgeries. In India layman could recognize as only doctors, he can't differentiate as from them. so PT's who do private practice in India declare themselves as doctors, so that a layman can find his way to him. but the doctors in India oppose this , what's the solution for this ?

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    The issue is thick historical quagmire. Why do physicians call themselves doctors when they aren't? The term doctor in this case implies that you are dealing with a physician. It has been so abused by fringe professions (osteopaths and chiropractors calling themselves doctors, often after undertaking qualifications of minuscule quality and length of education).

    The most legitimate use is for a person who has completed a PhD, a clinical doctorate or some other doctoral degree. Personally I think only in this case should you be referred to as "Dr". With the advent of the Clinical Doctorate in physical therapy in the US, and now being taken up countries such as Austalia some of us will be entitled to call ourselves "Dr"

    However The term is really more a term of power and status. This is why medical clinicians would be loath to give up the term and why some alternative health professions traditionally adopt the term.

    For that very reason I think the term should be restricted to those who have a doctorate. Otherwise it is just a pompous posturing to assign power and status to us. Although the road to better recognition is long and hard I think we would do better to gain that recognition by our competence, and earning respect in society by what we do best: physiotherapy

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Its not a question of standards, i think it helps the public understand the differences. If we were all called doctors everyone would get confused!

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Fyzzio View Post
    why would you even want to be called " Doctor" ???
    That word doesn't neccessarily have anything positive attached to it, whereas "Physiotherapist" often does. It also indicates that we provide holistic therapy, rather than a quick fix (well, I know, that's a bit like wishful thinking ...).

    If you are worried about knowledge of the general public, maybe you should invest more into promotion of our profession.

    If you are worried about not bearing an academic title: well, a BSc or even MSc is just exactly what it stands for, nothing else. If you aren't happy with it, as above, do a PhD/enroll in a doctorate programme and write your dissertation. Good luck, because that's really a lot of hard work.

    And please don't forget, there is still heaps of countries, where you need a prescription from a doctor to visit a Physiotherapist. And not all degrees are the same.

    I agree with that...Both offer different services and different professions

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Maybe we are moving into an era where medical practitioners are called medical practitioners, physicians or surgeons rather than Drs. As we have graduates with DPTs and more physios with PhDs it would be less confusing.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    as Fyzzio said why would you even want to be called " Doctor" ??? . we are physiotherapists we use different techniques for treatment may be , in my country, we need a prescription from doc first but that for patient safety . and as nan cy8702 said we would better inform people who is PT .

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Personally I don't like the term and would prefer it not to be used by physios. If/when I get my PhD I doubt I will want to be called "Dr" as I don't like status markers. However I wish medical practitioners should drop it as well - but teat won't be happening in the near future either.

    Regardless of what I or any of us would like it will be used by physios who have completed doctorates in physiotherapy. It will be used by them as a marketing ploy to differentiate a superior level of training (whether or not that superiority is warranted) and likewise employers may seek doctorate employees in preference to others, especially for leadership positions.

    So what I wonder is how as a profession we should handle this. We have been through this before. When I graduated I got a diploma but Australia, our large cousin country was all graduating B. Phty level degrees.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    I just want to reiterate my point.

    Dr is not a profession but a degree title.
    When a student qualifies from medicine, they have three degrees.
    They then study, in the main, medicine or surgery, whereby the become a Medic/Physician or Surgeon (obviously other titles such as GP, Psychiatrist exist)

    I studied physio, if I earn a PhD, I'll be Dr..... but still a physio.

    I become a physician, I'll have lots of degree, I'll be Dr... but still a physician.

    So, its a moot point of what we should call ourselves. Our occupation and academic qualifications are two very different things. Public perception is something else though and I want to go to the best of whatever profession it is. I'd rather go to a physio with a doctorate in the area I have a problem with. As much as I would go to a ortho surgeon with a fracture versus a vascular surgeon...silly point I know.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    I agree, Apocalypse

    It would be good if it was limited to academic qualification

    One point though: the DPT and other equivalent doctorates are not specialist qualifications. They are generally generalist qualifications. In fact the physiotherapy component is actually not alot more in depth training than many baccalaureate 4 year trainings. Students only commit to three years of education at that level. The only difference is that you have usually completed an undergraduate four year degree in some related science. So a DPT is not really a guarantee of higher quality, particularly with some of the more shonky educational institutions getting in on the act in the US (along side reputable faculties). And it certainly isn't and indicator of specialisation./

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    umer thanks a lot.i accpet ur word,which is very much true&cant deny to it

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    ur very much true my friend,but is more important is that people should get much aware of medical fields.people should have atleast a knowledge which profession treat which condition.i agree "physio" treat medical and non-medical condition.rest depend on qualification and knowledge

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Hi everybody.For me the subject matter is more complex than what some of us are saying.Gcoe has once again delivered the reality on the ground as far as this game is concern.Many physio that have contributed only wrote what their society has made them to believe and not what they want for the profession.
    Nations across the globe believe Doctor title is for those individuals and profession that has acquired enormous body of knowledge,and deserve honor and repect.
    Healthcare delivery in modern world supposed and it is interdisplinary in nature for consistency and effeciency but professionals that go by 'doctor' title tend to steal in the eye of the public the collective reward and incentives.The public still think and have unwritten impression that doctor of any 'cheat' in healthcare chain are more knowledgeable,more informed about their condition even if the doctor know next to nothing about the condition.
    I believe physio has come of age and contries training docrorate in physio are free to go by the title.This is the way the profession is going. There are variation in Peoples attitude and values across the globe.What make sme sense in europe might be unthinkable in africa or other part of the world.So physio face diverse chalenges across nations of the world and individual physio bodies handle those problems the way they deem best.yelufem

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    We are afraid of doctor. people here don't know much about physiotherapists....whenever we say we wanted to study physio they will ask what is that??
    hope people here will be more aware of physiotherapist in future....

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Your experience about your people's knowledge of physio is not unusual.Even in the very developed society people still need to be educated on what physio is all about.They tend to believe that we are all doctors or nurses.
    Be ready to change the status quo.Always insist that doctors refer patient appropriately not verbally.and discourage referrals that dictate to u what to do.Patients must be informed that physio is not extension of Drs prescription but experts/clinician that are required to fix their problems.
    Your physio body must not relent in educating the masses about physio and what it can offer.Be ready to pay the prize for the next generation of physios.
    By the way,i guess u posted from Pakistan.am i right? Yelufem.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Physiotherapists are not doctors

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to DrACL02 For This Useful Post:

    why don't we called doctors ?

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    What rubbish! If you want the same shonky reputation as chiros, then push to be called a doctor.

    Physios have a good and recognized reputation with the legitimate medical fraternity (medical doctors). Calling ourselves Dr's would likely alienate ourselves.

    Unlike thelose charlatan chiros, we are well respected when we work in hospitals. The only way (in Australia at least) a Dr Chiro can get visiting rights is if they are seeing a friend or family member - seeking clinical privileges would be laughable.

    As others have pointed out, you want to be called a Dr? Do a PhD!! It's 3+ years of hard work (on top of the 4 you did as an undergrad). Heck, you don't even have to do it in Physio! Go waste your yime with a PhD in arts to allow youself to become a "doctor". BUT in my opinion, you STILL shouldn't call yourself a Dr. I feel I have the right to say this as I am a Physio and have a PhD in physio. I never use the title. It is misleading when I work with real medical Dr's. I do not tell other staff or patients I have a PhD. In fact, a number of years ago, the Physio Registration Board rightly sent a member advising physios who work in hospitals NOT to use the title to avoid confusion. I feel it it acceptable to use the title if you work in an academic setting, where the title has meaning. Anywhere else (including on your credit card or when booking airline tickets, for a Physio - or anyone else with a PhD for that matter - surely it's a matter of ego to use the title?).

    Be happy that you're a Physio - for some reason, a lot of people want to be one and many can't. Patients and medical doctors both acknowledge our legitimacy in the medical profession without us having to claim the title of doctor.

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    why don't we called doctors ?

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    hmmm... there's two expats here, and every time they greet the patients, "Hello, I'm Dr. ...." (and we're the same level)

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by Kristiano View Post
    hmmm... there's two expats here, and every time they greet the patients, "Hello, I'm Dr. ...." (and we're the same level)
    Do they have real medical degrees (MBBS or MD)? Are they dentists or vets? Do they have PhDs? If not tell them to stop deceiving their patients!

    Even if they have any of the above, they shouldn't call themselves Dr's if they are practicing as physios!

    Oh, are they chiropractors? If so, what are they doing in a clinic that is based on medical science, not chiropractic-pseudo-science

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PTRussell View Post
    Do they have real medical degrees (MBBS or MD)? Are they dentists or vets? Do they have PhDs? If not tell them to stop deceiving their patients!

    Even if they have any of the above, they shouldn't call themselves Dr's if they are practicing as physios!

    Oh, are they chiropractors? If so, what are they doing in a clinic that is based on medical science, not chiropractic-pseudo-science
    Bro, they're a graduate of BSPT... the other one didnt finish yet his masters... They called themselves Dr.s bec in their Visa they're classified as Doctors... And we can't tell them to stop bec they're dominant... they look to us like an assistant....

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    How farcical! A Physio with a masters is still a Physio. They are not entitled to call themselves a Dr! If they were in Australia and did that they would be hauled before the Physio Board before they could shake their patient's hand for mis-representation. My condolences that you work in such a crappy environment.

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    Re: why be called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by PTRussell View Post
    How farcical! A Physio with a masters is still a Physio. They are not entitled to call themselves a Dr! If they were in Australia and did that they would be hauled before the Physio Board before they could shake their patient's hand for mis-representation. My condolences that you work in such a crappy environment.
    Thanks for the concern bro... a little discrimination here... even local PT who works here called himself a DR... but what we can do, it's their ....
    I remember when I first landed in this country, a little argument with immigration officer,> "Are you a Doctor?" and I said " Physical Therapist".. the officer again said, "Doctor".. but I insist i'm a PT...

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    ‪Duplicate Doctor-Asianet NewsExclusive‬‏ - YouTube

    Asianet a regional channel in malayalam from Kerala State in India reported that there are fake Doctors practising physiotherapy, were not allowed to Put "Dr" to their names. Physical therapists in India (called as physiotherapists) were struggling since many years to form an independent Physiotherapy Council. PT Practioners can not put "Dr" as instructed by an Association ( INDIAN ASSOCIATION OF PHYSIOTHERAPISTS- IAP) which is not a regular body to control PT practices in India. Remember any one can make an association, if they legally submit documents to government. IAP is also one among them.

    I am sorry to say this fact.. coz I am also from Kerala, has been putting Dr to my name when i was in india, knowingly it was not legal. As per a court order (I forgot which court? ) PTs can put Dr but they should specify or write PT after their name, so public can/may not be mistaken.

    I still want to be with PT side.. asking why Dentists in India Putting Dr to their names? its legally allowed. So friends in india , try to get untited and make an independent council which can permit to make you a Genuine doctor.

    All the best for PTs in India.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    PTRussel and Co.I can see u are not getting the picture on the wall. I wouldn't want us to muddle things together.I know and sure that no civilised physio body says physio is equal to Medical Doctor as u are putting it. As Dentist is not = to medical doctor so also do physio.They are two different body of knowledge.So they both bear unique approach at treating disease conditions.
    Medicine decide to confer the Dr title on individual that got the first degree MBBS.This does not make them equal to a PhD holder but they both carry the title 'Dr' and nobody confuse MBBS for PhD.
    Doctorate in physio or other health professionals should not result into any brohaha as we have these days.They earn the degree and so deserve to go by the title if so wish.Nobody is taking position of medical doctor here.
    This is the next direction fot this profession and no amount of intimidation can stop it.yelufem.

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    hello very one, in view of the above discussion i would like to say. i am proud to call myself as physiotherapist and not doctor, It doest not matter whether we call over self Dr, or physio, its about the work or profession, its more respectable and respect comes from that, the patient them-self well realise dat after the service we provide,

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Quote Originally Posted by gcoe View Post
    The most legitimate use is for a person who has completed a PhD, a clinical doctorate or some other doctoral degree. Personally I think only in this case should you be referred to as "Dr". With the advent of the Clinical Doctorate in physical therapy in the US, and now being taken up countries such as Austalia some of us will be entitled to call ourselves "Dr"

    the clinical doctorate does not give you the title doctor, Uni of Melb has stated graduates will not be getting the title doctor as they are not entitled to it

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    Re: why don't we called doctors ?

    Must have Kinesiology Taping DVD
    When has it become the duty of the universities to determine who bears what.Universities don't confer titles, they confer degrees. Yelufem.

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