I can relate on this since i am always on my computer. Squeezing a soft rubber ball relieves my pain and avoiding food with high uric acid I guess.
Interesting... There are other kinds of mouse that you can use... I would invest in one temporarily so that your condition can settle. If it's better with heat then that can mean a lot of things... Stiff in the morning and loosening with general mobility indicates a chronic inflammatory condition. With anything like that you need to allow the area to settle and do some specific strengthening for the area. I suggest getting some physio input for exercises and stretching, and switching to a different (more ergonomic) style of mouse for a period of time so that it can settle... my father has one like a joystick that you can grip and then move it that way and you double click with the thumb and right click with the index.
Good luck
It seems your Index finger (mouse) is suffering from over work. I have seen same as your condition and this generally occurs in excessive use of computer. Try stretching and hot packs. Apply modified mouse finger support which will really help you. Pain killers are not the solutions for your pain.
Best of luck.
Hi dear ...
hoop every things well go well, am warred you might injured your MCP ligaments
you better stop using your hand for same time and do CT Scan