Has anyone ever seen trigger thumb/Notta's Node/flexor pollicis problems in a child?
I've seen a 13 yr old girl with palpatably prominent (though not visually) flexor tendon nodules over the metacarpal head level bilaterally. She doesn't have any contractures in her thumbs which doesn't make it appear like a typical Paediatric Trigger Thumb. She complains of pain on all thumb movements (though whether this is accurate is difficult to guage as she has learning difficulties), pain after 10 minutes of writing, certainly has reduced strength on all movements, with tenderness in anterior forearms, worse right side (she's right-handed) and forearms that get "red and itchy" when she rides her bike. Possibly related(?) she has almost no sight in her left eye.
I'm not really sure where to go with this as I've never seen this before? Any thoughts? Thanks.
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