I too have just had my first patient with the same condition, I was needing some feedback on best practice as well. My patient is 4 weeks post natal and has had it since day one post delivery after feet where in stirrups for a prolonged period of time due to having an epidural.
My treatment consisted of:
Education: Educating the patient on the positions likely to aggrevate the condition eg getting into and out of the car and then practised doing it without adducting too much hips too much.
Gluteal soft tissue massage and stretches as they where tender and tight on palpation.
Trnasverse Abdominus (Tra) exercise in isolation as a strength training exercise
Practise using TrA in daily activities, supine- sidelying - sit, sit to stand and putting on pants her most aggrevating factor.
My plan may be (depending on my finding next session): taping thesij? progressing TrA strengthening, Hamstring stretches? Soft tissue release to gluts and piriformis?
Any feedback would be good!