Quote Originally Posted by atcjoeyb View Post
I'm actually very curious about this case b/c I believe I have the same problem. I dislocated my shoulder a little over a year ago and after weeks in a sling I began to have cervical stiffness. I saw a chiro and began having severe bouts of dizziness. I stopped being adjusted and the dizziness appeared to go away, but still returns intermittently. Something just "doesn't feel right" with my neck and I sit, stand, walk, etc. very hesitantly for fear of provoking the dizziness. I was tested for vertigo, mri's (brain/shld), catscans, and everything came back negative but I still experience these bouts of dizziness. My eyes begin to hurt a little and it feels like everything gets cloudy and sometimes my neck will "pop" like a knuckle cracking causing the symptoms to diminish instantly. One time my SCM completely locked up so I try to do soft tissue on that, but I honestly feel like trigger pt. on Levator Scap. on the non-injured side (probably from compensatory tightness for the months post-injury) releases the most tension in my neck. I still think i have an instability issue, but I've seen so many doctor's and find it hard to believe they all would've missed this. I work for a physical therapy company, so it's embarassing that I cannot solve my own problem. Try working on her Levator mm. Anybody have any other ideas???
Dear atcjoeyb,

If you have ruled out other factors, the refered pain patterns or paraesthesthesia effect of tigger points, as it is not always "pain" that is referred, can have a great effect.

The levator scap. can cause pressure to and distortion to the upper cervical bones. If the trigger pt. of the levator scap. does not correct it, then consult Janett Travell's manuals for other possibilities. The other option is a NUCCA chiropractor, but that is usually not necessary, if you can find the specific muscular distress.

Hope that this is helpful.

Best regards,,
