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I'm actually very curious about this case b/c I believe I have the same problem. I dislocated my shoulder a little over a year ago and after weeks in a sling I began to have cervical stiffness. I saw a chiro and began having severe bouts of dizziness. I stopped being adjusted and the dizziness appeared to go away, but still returns intermittently. Something just "doesn't feel right" with my neck and I sit, stand, walk, etc. very hesitantly for fear of provoking the dizziness. I was tested for vertigo, mri's (brain/shld), catscans, and everything came back negative but I still experience these bouts of dizziness. My eyes begin to hurt a little and it feels like everything gets cloudy and sometimes my neck will "pop" like a knuckle cracking causing the symptoms to diminish instantly. One time my SCM completely locked up so I try to do soft tissue on that, but I honestly feel like trigger pt. on Levator Scap. on the non-injured side (probably from compensatory tightness for the months post-injury) releases the most tension in my neck. I still think i have an instability issue, but I've seen so many doctor's and find it hard to believe they all would've missed this. I work for a physical therapy company, so it's embarassing that I cannot solve my own problem. Try working on her Levator mm. Anybody have any other ideas???