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  1. #1

    Acute upper limb flaccid paralysis in 2 y.o

    Hi All, I am seeking some direction towards any specific therapies for a 2 y.o. child with acute upper limb flaccid paralysis following enterovirus (Echo19). She is now 1 month post initial presentation and whilst she has some return peripherally (hands, wrist, supin/pron all 3/5, bicep, tricep 1/5) she has no return proximally. Sensation is normal, no shoulder subluxation as yet.
    Unfortunately there is very little on the net in terms of time of recovery, completeness of recovery and therapies best suited.
    At present I have her weightbaring on the elbow and shoulder during games and general play involving as much bilateral work as she allows. We are also trying hydro.

    Has anyone tried FES on this type of pathology? Success?
    Other therapies?

    Any ideas/thoughts appreciated please

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    Re: Acute upper limb flaccid paralysis in 2 y.o

    I haven't checked, but have you tried posting this in the Paediatrics section???
    There is some rather clever Physios posting there, like Esther, who might be able to help.

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