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    post fracture swelling and pain

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Does anyone have any ideas about what causes swelling after fractures (not in the immediate post fracture period, but in the following months to years) ? And why do some patients still report pain around united fractures years afterwards? Does anyone have any ideas on treating such problems (other than generallt strengthening the surrounding muscles)?

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  2. #2

    re: post fracture swelling and pain

    better go thru' the pathology of inflamation . " in short whenever there is a distruction of tissue And repair goes on (even at remoulding stage) until it completes the process there will be swelling gendrally they say it will be there for 3 months for simple # .
    in INDIA we use to give wax bath at this time b'cause it also reduces the swelling and improves circulation & so on and it is only on closed type of fracture .

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