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  1. #1
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    Question Orthopaedic interview

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Hello all,
    I'm a recent Physio graduate and I've received confirmation of an interview for band 3 physiotherapy assistant post (i.e. they can't afford to commision a band 5 physiotherapist post)
    I would be very grateful if you could spare a minute and suggest some topics and/or questions that are likely to come up??

    Obviously I am expecting the scenerio of the 1st day THR post op patient; what things do you want to do/know before you mobilise her/him?
    The main points in the answer being:
    - Read through medical notes (re. PMH, SH, post op notes/instructions)
    - Obtain verbal handover from nursing staff re. patient condition.
    - Gather any more subjective that's needed (e.g. prev level of mobility) after introductions.
    - Look at chart (re. trend of BP, O2 Sats)
    - Gain consent for objective assessment.
    - Assess LL & UL (ROM & strength) and subsequent requirement of walking aid, or assistance of 2.
    - Measure BP & Sats + note respiratory signs - RR, (etc.)
    - Explain what we're going to do and gain consent for mob.
    - Sit to stand.
    - Mob short distance (dependant on pt age, ability, respiratory condition, etc.)

    If I have missed anything I would be delighted if you let me know!

    Thank you for your input, it will be greatfully received

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  2. #2
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    Re: Orthopaedic interview

    i thought the interview was for a band 3 post.i dont think that you would be expected to carry out such a detailed examination of a patient as an assistant prior to mobilising someone.

    they may ask about AFC, CPD ,KSF etc. occasionally health and safety,risk assessments and incident reporting crops up.

    its such a shame that the new graduates have to apply for band3 posts.good luck and hope its not too long before a good band 5 post comes up.

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