Hey everyone. First post.

Fractured my left ankle on Jan 7/17. Undisplaced spiral fractures of the lateral malleolus (fibula) . Was put on a walking boot NWB on Jan11/17. After 4 1/2 weeks f/u doctor said to start partial weight bearing. And 7 1/2 weeks later i was told i could full weight bear and transition from a walking boot to an ankle brace.

I have started weight bearing a couple days ago and i can feel pain on my lateral malleolus. The pain isn't as bad as it was when i initially started weight bearing as i haven't used my whole leg the entire time. It takes a while to get the ankle and leg warmed up but i can manage to go from crutches, to one crutch to limping. But once i sit for a period of time i have to start all over.

Start my physio this week and on my referral the O/S wrote "fibrous union of lateral malleolus." I was curious and googled it and it has something to do with a non union which as me worried. Doctor says i'm healed enough to start rehab. Am i over thinking things.

Now my question is with Physio, will my lateral malleolus pain improve. Is physio any different with that description "fibrous union of lateral malleolus". I know i will probably do some stretching and strengthening of the joints etc. How much physio is average? ( i know everyone is different)

I currently cannot balance myself with weak leg. No more foot pain. Only at the top where the ankle meets of the side of the fracture. I do have some swelling in that area as well.

I just want to be able to walk with no pain.

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