Five weeks ago I was wiped out by one of the old dogs the result was a high ankle break. I am five month post Micro discectomy and thankfully haven’t undone all the surgeons good work.

My break is just below the knee in my fibula and obviously the ankle tendons and ligaments. I am in a boot and haven’t needed surgery but other than that I can’t tell you much more. The overall swelling has reduced and to be fair I never struggled with the break but the ankle is tricky to put it bluntly.

I am struggling to do my exercises for my back and as I am uneven its also aggravating my back at times. Would love advice on roughly what I can expect ( all I currently know is I have an X-ray booked to check break and ankle next monday) and am I likely to get back to my business of dog walking? I think I can manage my back but am wondering if I can get a physio to help me now or is there two much risk?

I know I am vague that is because I have been told very little. I saw the X-ray so know where the break is and can feel it. The ankle isn’t dislocated though there is movement in the bone ( it feels like it is sinking when I walk in my boot).

Hope someone has some advice.
Thank you

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