Brief Medical History Overview
ankle- synovitis?

Dear all,
About 1-2 months ago i was doing a split leap and landing on my right side. As i landed it just felt wrong. I didn't twist or sprain my ankle; i landed pretty squarely on the foot. However the foot was in plantarflexion at the time and it just didn't feel that i landed right(felt jarred). It was quite painful but then the pain went away (less than 5 mins). I couldn't put ice on it at the time as i wasn't home and didn't have access to any.
I thought it would sort itself out because it wasn't a sprain as such. About 1 month later i was still experiencing niggles from it whenever i tried to move into extreme dorsiflexion (sitting down or going down the stairs). It felt like a catching feeling around the posterior fibula region (on the bone) which wasn't too painful but still not good. If i kept going into dorsiflexion it didn't get worse and sometimes it got better. Usually it is better at the end of the day or after being warmed up.
I went to see physio clinic (students with supervisor) about it around 1 month post. They tested all ankle ligs and said that if anything the left side is more lax. Possible fracture sites were cleared. They did an AP glide of the talus which appeared to help range and discomfort. The conclusion was that i had given myself a bit of impingement as i had impacted the talus on the tib/fib complex. I was given squats to do as an exercise.
I was a bit wary about doing loads of squats as this is where i get the symptoms i was unsure if this could be aggravating the cause. I have to negotiate loads of stairs in my day so it's like i do this anyway. I went to a seminar on ankle injuries recently and the presenter said that if you prescribe lots of end range dorsiflexion exercises it can trigger synovitis through impingement of the anterior capsule. This makes senses to me as some of my symptoms are along the talus joint line anteriorly and posterior to the fibula. I figure that i should avoid extreme dorsiflexion for a bit so that the ankle can get over it.
What are your thoughts?
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