Brief Medical History Overview
neck and back problem

Over the several years I've sometimes suffered from a sore neck and back. I wore a back support which helped a lot and I was pain free for along time except when travelling in a car/bus. I'm guessing this was due to motion of the car and looking around. Turning my head too fast can start the neck pain.
Something different has happened this week. I woke up on tuesday morning and my neck was slightly sore at the back (this usually always leads to a sore head). when I opened the bedroom door My left arm felt really heavy. It seemed to have more force to the swing of the door. Also lifting normal every day things seemed to be heavier. Shortly after my left leg started to feel the same. Unfortunately I had to make a car journey which didn't help and after that journey I had the heavy feeling in my left arm, leg and lower back. I felt I was leaning to one side all day.
After a nights sleep and some Ibuprofen I was back to normal but I made an appointment to see the doctor. (I have a heart problem and at one point I though it was maybe a stroke). Saw the doctor today and he wasn't much help. Infact it was me who suggested I should see a physio which he is going to arrange.
as soon as I left the doctors the heavy feeling came back. At the time of typing this, my left leg and lower back feel heavy. I feel, even sitting down, if I was to lean too far I will fall over. My arm doesn't feel heavy like it did the other day but it feels slightly sore. Because I'm feeling this heaviness certain moves seem to make me feel a bit dizzy - this doesn't last, its just during the movement.
Any suggestions as to what is the cause of the problem and how to cure it? I have no idea when I will get the appointment to see the Physio and I really don't like this feeling. Any help woul be appreciated.
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