Brief Medical History Overview
Gluteus Medius Spasm

I am a 40 year old male, professional fitness and martial arts practitioner. Over the last 6 months, a nagging pain has begun in the right lower side of the back/hip that has evolved into a painful spasm. The pain is not always present. But can occur if I am standing or walking for 20 minutes - it does not occur if I am running.
I have been to a Chiropractor for three months. He is of the opinion that the hip is tilting as the glut med spasms. And that the left side of my abdomenal muscle is not as strong as my right side, etc. I have been given various glut med stretches and muscle building execises.
Through spinal manipulation, what has improved is that the muscles up the middle of the back do not seem to be spasming in sympathy anymore. However, when the nagging pain begins, it spreads throughout the hip, and I feel that my mobility and suppleness is effected. After teaching or training, I have to sit down for about 20 minutes to relieve the spasm.
The Chiropractor is of the opinion that I do not have nerve damage. However, the cycle of spasm and relaxation does not seem to be getting any better. I use ice and heat pads from time to time, and sometimes, no pain is felt. I would be very grateful for any advice that anyone might have on this matter.
Thank you
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