Brief Medical History Overview
Ankle Ligament pain

I have mild pain in my right ankle, which runs behind the inside ankle bone and starts from the bottom of my calf muscle. I think this is the Tibialis Posterior ligament - I have had this pain for a couple of years now.
About a year ago I saw a Physio, who said this was probably Tendonitis of the Posterior Tibial ligament. He gave me lots of excercises to do to strengthen my hips using a rubber band, plus some heel raises but the pain didnt go. After 8 sessions, he passed me on to a different physio in the same practice, who said my problem was that my muscles were very tight so I had 2 sessions learning how to stretch my calfs / hips / quads. I also had custom Orthotics made for running shoes / work shoes.
My health insurance then refused to pay for any more physio sessions.
I continued stretching for a couple of months, then tried going back to jogging (which is the activity I was doing that initially aggravated the pain).
I didnt get any pain (during a very basic jog/walk) for about 3 jogs, then gradually I started feeling the pain again.
I then didnt do anything for another few months due to trying to rest.
About Sept. last year I started playing Soccer (wearing my orthotics) and after a few games I got really bad Shin-Splints, then my Ankle really started hurting so again I rested. I have not done anything since (apart from cycle to work each day), but for a few months now I am getting nagging pain in the ankle. It feels a bit like a mild sore/burning/tingling/tight pain - ok I know it sounds weird but its really hard to describe! Sometimes I go to bed and it really starts to get painful just lying on my back and also it hurts more when I stand on it for a period of time. I am also now getting pain when I ride to work - which is not good as its a necessity for me to bike in.
I really want to be able to get to the stage where I can actually exercise again without pain. It would be great if I could manage to go running again, just 3 times a week for about 4-5 miles would be fantastic. I just feel really unfit and I feel that as soon as I start trying to do anything the problem will just keep on flaring up.
Does anyone have any advice they could provide to try to help this? Does it sound like Posterior Tibialis? I am not overly confident in the physio who originally diagnosed me, which is why I ask...
I'm trying to stretch a lot, but maybe I need to do something else to help the pain go away?
I'm sure I need to get rid of the condition first, then work on prevention to stop it coming back...?
Other things I have tried:
-Icing - this seemed to aggravate it if anything.
-Ibuprofen Gel - didnt really have any effect.
Sorry to go on a bit with this post, but thought I'd try to give as much info as I can.
Kind Regards

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