Brief Medical History Overview
Knee stabilising muscle exercises

I have been suffering for several years with inside knee pain. It didn't bother me too much as I had given up sport at the time, and it didn't affect my daily life much at all. However, I got the rugby bug again a couple of years ago and have been playing again but need two knee supports and pain killers to play, so thought I would ask some advice!
The problem only occurs if I try to run faster than about 85% full pace. I had suffered torn cartilage in the knee before (which I had surgery for, before injuring again!), and the pain feels very similar - a sharp pain on the inside knee which goes away after 20-30 seconds.
I had assumed the current injury was cartilage problems again. However, I have recently done a course of physio on the NHS and the lady seemed to think it was a stretched ACL that wasn't supporting my knee properly when I put pressure on it (to sprint etc). She gave me the rubber bands and a few exercises to do to help start strengthening the muscles around the knee, but I have worn out two sets of bands, and have sort of stalled my progress so I was hoping someone might be able to suggest some other exercises.
I have read of rugby players who have more or less had too much surgery and stuff on busted ligaments and have resorted to building up the muscles to support the knees. Is this possible? What sort of exercises are recommended? And to avoid?
Any help would be much appreciated.
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