Brief Medical History Overview
Dehydrated disc

Hi there, am new here and hope this is correct forum.
Anyway a year or two ago I started getting lower back pain which I believe was from sitting in my computer chair for hours on end im only 25years old)with my lower back on the seat and legs in the air. I started gettin pains down my leg and at my lower back so went to Physio. He told me to get an
MRI scan done and it showed a dehydrated disc (L4) anyway he gave me excersies etc but it never truly went away.
Came back quite voilently again so tried adifferent physio who had to manipulate me very forcefully but for a day or two i was in complete pain relief but then it came back as normal and didnt seem to be getting anywhere but had subsided somewhat.
Then about 2 months ago it came back again, lots of nerve pain down right leg, lower back often swollen and some days impossible to put right foot forward without pure agony. Pain when coughing, sneezing and turning over in bed was torture. Had also been limping without knowing it because of pain. So decided to try an osteopath a friend reccomended. Straight away he got the pain down through electrolysis (i think) and some deep rubbing, gave me excersize program and all was getting better. For first time in ages i wasnt limping. Then this morning the pain had switched to my left leg and lower back (kind of in buttock) was swollen quite badly. Off I went back to osteopath who gave me some treatment. He seems to know his stuff and am impressed so far but am bedridden at moment as still in pain and thought would see if anyone has any further advice etc here.
I dont really understand why it has switched sides to my left. The pain was from the bulge down my right side, why is it now my left??
Part of me thinks im never going to get better but my osteopath seems convinced I will. Any comments or advice gratefully recieved.
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