Brief Medical History Overview
Shin pain caused by orthotics !

Back in July last year as part of treatment for a hip pain issue it was suggested I try orthotics, which I then had custom made by a podiatrist. They didn't help with the hip, which was later diagnosed as a SI & piriformis problem, due to the fact that I cycle a lot. But after 2 months of wearing the orthotics with no problems I started getting severe shin spasms which stared around about the outside of my knee and shot down the outer side of my shins.
I had the podiatrist change the orthotics a number of times, and the spasms ceased but now I have severe pain in the upper outside of my shin, and also the lower outside of the shin, near the shin bone. Eventually after a few more consultations and visits we decided to get ride of the orthotics, then get my physio, who is very good, to fix the problem.
Prior to going to the physio the problem was diagnosed as compartment syndrome and separately as Medial Tibial Pain Syndrome, but as the symptoms don't fit into either category it hasn't been easy to fix. Currently the physio has noticed that the joint just below the outside of my knee is very tight, as is the equivalent down by the ankle, and releasing those does ease the problem. To make it more complex if I compress the shin it makes it worse as does driving or walking, although cycling is fine.
Any suggestions that would help me get this long running issue resolved would be much appreciated.
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