Brief Medical History Overview
Anterior knee pain from longer cycle than normal

Hi there,
I cycled a little further than I'm used to last week (70 miles over hilly terrain, i normally cycle about 20) and have had a right medial anterior knee pain since. The pain is medial to the patella. I had at first thought it could be a sort VMO deficiency but the bulk seems to be ok and can't figure as to why the pain would be on the medial side.
Throughout the day going up and down stairs will aggravate it as well as getting out of a chair with it becoming worse through out the day dependent on activity. It will be ok in the morning and I think it has gone away only to come on again. Single leg squats bring it on at about 40 degrees of flexion with a double leg squat bringing it on at about 90 degrees of flexion. No pain on standing straight and I do not hyperextend.
On palpation the underside of the patella does not feel tender and compression is fine. I've tried milking the bursa and no fluid seems to be coming out. Also, my knees have always cracked a lot but now it is happening a lot more. I have a tight itb on that side and am stretching it out but again i thought that would give me pain on the lateral side of the knee if it was the problem.
Anybody got any ideas as to what the problem might be or how to help it? would taping help a problem like this? I've compared the movement of the patella to the left leg and it seems to be the same. How subtle can tracking be? It's been a week now and doesn't seem to be getting any better.
Oh I'm 28 and have not injured the knee in the past.
Any input will be appreciated.
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