Brief Medical History Overview
Long Thoracic Nerve injury and burning pain in shoulder...
When I was in the Army (1992), I started having some burning pain in my left shoulder/trap area after long hiking (with ruck sack) training sessions. I spent a lot of time (almost 4 years) trying to determine what the problem was and after a series of tests, EMG's, etc, they determined it was a long thoracic nerve injury. I've been dealing with this pain ever since, but it has recently (the last year or so) become much worse, consistent and just plain painful. I'm an avid hiker and mountain climber (both with backpacks) and it is severely limiting my time in the wild. The pain begins much earlier into my hikes than it used to and has become much more excruciating and long lasting. Is there a solution to this either surgical or otherwise....If I could manage the pain, I'd be happy to even just do that....Any help would be greatly appreciated...
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