Brief Medical History Overview
Possible collaped sinus

I need your opinion. Spring of 2007 I noticed my eyelids were not symmetrical, my right eye had changed. That fall I noticed that my right eye was lower than my left, this was not right. I went to see my optometrist and he referred me to an eye surgeon. Fall of 2007 he had me take a CAT scan. The hospital staff saw nothing unusual. The eye surgeon pointed out that my right sinus was narrower. It had collapsed that is what had caused my right eye to sit lower on my face. He told me that I should wait atleast a year to have another CAT scan to see if it was still changing. I finally had the second CAT scan done this May. There was no change. The eye surgeon suggested that he would like to perform eye surgery on the left eyelid to make the eyes more symmetrical. I didn’t like his answer, my right eye would still be lower and I want to know why did my right sinus collapse. I then got my family doctor to refer me to a sinus, nose and ear specialist, I saw him last week. He did not look at the CAT scans, just read the hospital report where it stated there was nothing unusual. The specialist did see the difference in my eyes symmetry, but commented that possibly my right sinus has always been narrower than the left. He is referring me to a sinus specialist (a Rhinology Endoscopic Skull Base Surgery – Otolarynogoly) in another province, I am waiting to hear from them when my appointment will be.
Can you please help me out to what you think might have happened to my eye and what I should be doing. I am a 49 year old healthy female. I don't want to waste anymore time and don't like the way I look now. Please help me!!!!
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