Brief Medical History Overview
Weak knees and wobbly balance

August 2009 (skiing accident) - on my left knee I tore medial ligament with cominuted fracture behind knee. On right knee high grade tear to Medial ligament, part tear to ACL and PCL with avulsion fracture on outer side of knee. No surgery - extreme swelling. Also whiplash to neck (previously injured a number of times!)
Left knee was very badly injured about 35+ years ago (skiing) and it healed beautifully (no surgery) and I regained 100% use and eventually no pain (took about 5 years to get to that stage). Had forgotten I ever hurt it!
My knees continue to improve very slowly (aged 68) and I expect it to take maybe another 6 months to be able to feel confident without walking sticks, mainly because of being held back by continual dizzyness which became very noticeable after I started standing upright and "walking".
Could dizzyness be attributable to my knees? When dizzyness hits I usually have ear pain (acute/occasional) with pressure in the head and sore throat, (eyes feel disconnected!) but ENT says nothing wrong and checked for BPV.
Antibiotics didn't help. CT scans, X-rays of head and neck all clear. Osteopath helped (head and neck massage) and I can now walk a little without sticks in a safe environment, but I still have some dizzyness. Osteo feels 'receptors' in knees are possibly part of the problem?
Any suggestions on how I can find (and treat) the cause/s of the dizzyness which makes me feel so insecure and wobbly?
I desperately want to walk again without walking sticks! I used to be so active and independent!
Also how do I know if my knees are 'unstable' - what does 'unstable' really mean? Would prolotherapy help if they are? My Specialist says that surgery could cause more complications and I don't really like that option anyway.
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