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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Pain in upper left back / behind the shoulder - tingling (v difficult to describe)

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation

    Just hoping maybe someone can give me any advice

    I think I injured my back / shoulder about 4 months ago doing bodypump - I was lifting v light weights on the chest track and pushed it too hard as my arms got tired.

    Its a strange and v difficult to describe senstation - it doesn't "hurt" as in sharp painful (like as in agnoy), but is very uncomfortable - it is almost constantly tingling and numb feeling. I cant pinpoint it to a particular area - its a fairly large area on the very top left hand side of my back (maybe the size of hand) towards the top behind my shoulder. I have no idea about anatomy but looked on google images and reckon it could be round the infraspinatus fascia (or maybe the trapezius) sorts of areas.

    I have been to doctors twice - they did not even look at my back / shoulder (or ask me where the problem was) but referred me to a physiotherapist who they have said will look at it and hopefully treat it.

    The problem is that they said the waiting list is 6 months. This is very frustating as I usually work out around 5 times a week but have had to stop as that is not helping it in any way. Sitting at home is driving me mad!

    I had thought that it would sort itself out eventually but after 4 months It is gradually getting worse - it is almost constantly hurting, especially when I am sitting down or walking to work with my bag.

    I am sure that I could do something in the meantime to help myself - I just have absolutely no idea what!

    If anyone can suggest any exercises I can do, either at home or in the gym to help myself out that would be great.

    As I say, I am on the waiting list for a physiotherapist, but it is very long list!


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    Re: Pain in upper left back / behind the shoulder - tingling (v difficult to describe)

    Hello Waspereeze,

    To try to understand what is going on, more infos are needed.

    Did you notice these strange sensation straight after the bodypump session? Is it localised just to the left shoulder or does it goes by time to time to the right too? Are these sensation constantly there regardless what you do? Is there anything that make it better or worse? ice/cold or hot shower/bath? Do they radiate anywhere else? are there any daily pattern? is it worse/better in the morning? do you have any other associated symptoms? short of breathness when you wouldn't expect or palpitation? Have you had previous episodes or this is the first time you had it?

    A part from that problem, how would you describe your health? do you smoke? and if you do how many cigarettes?

    Considering that you are in London, check out if you can have a consultation in any osteopathic teaching clinic (BSO or BCOM for example) surely you won't have to wait 6 months!

    Keep us informed

    all the best


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    Re: Pain in upper left back / behind the shoulder - tingling (v difficult to describe)

    Hello Emanuele

    Thank you for your reply - I will try to give some more info and answer some of your questions

    I have found it difficult to pinpoint exactly when this problem started. At first it was just a minor inconvenience - a slight tingling in my left back / shoulder which although I noticed, didn't really bother me too much. I am pretty sure that it was the body pump session that started it, but cannot be definite. I did not notice any sudden pain during the session, but my left shoulder did literally give in during the chest track and I tried to force on rather than give up. I am pretty sure the problem started after this.

    It is definately only to the left side and it never moves to the right. It is slightly further down the back than being on the top of the shoulder, but definately to the left (not the middle or the right). The feeling is not constant - I used to feel it when I went to the gym and did any exercise involving the upper body (press ups etc) so have completely stopped now. Funnily enough it is at its worse when I am sitting down, not even exercising it - eating dinner at a table, typing on my computer, or sitting on the train going to work. I have not really found anything that particularly makes it better or worse though (other than what I have just mentioned). I would not say it is any better or worse in the morning, but it does not seem to hurt whilst lying in bed (only sitting or standing).

    There does not seem to be any radiation elsewhere - it is a fairly constant position but difficult to pinpoint exactly as it is quite a wide area (About the size of a hand maybe).

    I havent got any other symptoms and no shortage of breath or palpitations. I think I am fairly fit - I do exercise about 5-6 times a week (cycling, and aerobics) and up to recently (stopped due to this) bodypump too. I don't smoke or drink.

    I will check out your suggestion of the teaching clinic. The reason for the 6 month wait is that I am with the NHS - my doctor said I could get seen a lot quicker at the same clinic if I went private, but sadly I just can't afford it.

    Please let me know if there are any other questions. Hopefully I will be able to see someone sooner as I dont want to give things up uneccesarily, yet dont want to continue things that may be making it worse.



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    Re: Pain in upper left back / behind the shoulder - tingling (v difficult to describe)

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hello Jonathan,

    It is not easy to suss out what it's going on without a proper clinical assessment. Considering that somehow you can recognise an onset which seems to be mechanical, and considering that the problem is affecting just your left hand side around the upper trapezius area (and not both), a possible irritation of 1 or more left capsule (with a possible affection of the posterior primary rami) covering the left zygoapophyseal joints over the segment C4-C5 and possibly T1, may be possible. Obviously this is just an hypothesis and as I said, an accurate examination of neck and left shoulder plus a postural examination are necessary on you, along with a proper anamnesis which has to take account of other possible previous injury such as whiplashes and similar, work activities, familiy history and general health analysis.

    Teaching clinic are usually fairly cheap but the treatmeant that you can get is anyway adequate.

    Wish you all the best


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