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  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 26, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 2 days, Symptom Behaviour: remaining constant, Aggravating Factors:: twisting, Easing Factors:: rest, Investigations: x ray, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    ankle ligament damage

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    hi i'll give you the full story. i was on the receiving end of a bad tackle playing football on sunday, my ankle was forced over and swollen up straight away. i could walk but with a limp. I went to the hospital they took an x ray and said i had fractured my ankle i was put in a cast and told to come back the following day to see a specialist. The specialist said it wasn't a fracture , it is ligament damage (without an Wikipedia reference-linkMRI scan). i've been wearing an aircast for the last week, the swelling has gone down and its now bruising. there is still slight swelling across the top of my ankle. i'm not in much pain only really when i twist it. I took the aircast off this morning and it feels as if my ankle has locked. its seems as if i wanted to walk it physically wouldn't bend. I was just wondered if this was normal and if physio would sort this out? i'm not due at the hospital for another three weeks i didn't want to leave it till then if this is something they need to know about. thanks in advance.

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    Re: ankle ligament damage

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot

    Well is not the best practice to cast besides if there is fracture. Been in a cast the muscles get lazy because the joint was getting support from the cast. So yes it is normal to get that side effects of reduced movement and strength. The first muscle to lock is the calf as protection to further injury.
    The physio or a GSR will be able to restore the motion, however you are require to do things on your own. Meaning the protocols given by the physio or GSR should be followed to the letter to get improved and allow the therapist to advance the exercises and hands on treatments.

    Since you not in the cast at the moment you should move the ankle in all posible directions PAIN FREE!!!!!! Try to perform the alphabet or numbers 0-9 with your ankle to restore the motion and some strength. Remember it must be PAIN FREE. If the ankle gets swollen you may have done a bit too much.

    Last tip Go see a GSR or physio ASAP to assess and provide interventions for your pain swelling, motion and strength


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