Hi just a few questions
which knee are you having difficulties with?
it's mainly the L knee.
How long have you been cycling for ?
cycled for about 5yrs, but never had problem since the competition.
how far was the competion when you experienced this pain post comp?
about 5months, i had physios before, but it helps for couple of days, then it comes back.
any swelling?
no swelling, ? maybe bit of warmth, but only slightly.
sleeping patterns? how do you sleep, on your belly compressing the knee etc?
i sleep on my back..
previous fractures ?
no prev #, but had osgood schlatters in teen.
how old is your bike? is it set at the correct height? do you do any other sports?
about 1.5y/o. not sure if it's in the correct height... but will be fitted soon. no other playing sports...
some good information already provided but a little more if possible