Hello all,

I have had Left sided lumbar/lower thoracic/rib pain x 4 months Treated by my physio. Now healed thank god! She's brilliant! I have commenced regular strengthing exercises/core work/stretches/pilates since and feel alot 'stronger'...however.......
I now have buttock pain radiating to front of thigh....occasional to back of calf down to foot.

Its not very bad pain on the pain scale, its like a darting pain
Comes any time, any position, standing/sitting/lying
Relived sometimes by change of position, hot water bottle and if necessary paracetamol +/- NSAID

My physio is FANTASTIC I just hate asking her all the questions. She has treated my buttock with elbow massage and it has really freed it up but the pain persists.....and I would love to know the cause of the pain

I took time off work while getting tx for lumbar thoracic pain.
But returned now to work wearing back support, but the 12 hour shifts are so hard, will not often get breaks. I'm waiting on management to shorten my working days.but the necessary 'paperwork' is being processed.

Yesterday was a very busy day, no breaks due to staff shortage and high workload. I am a nurse. I work in the 'lightest' area it is a ward but pts are mobile and my colleagues are great ie do not let me move beds, transfer pts etc..well most of them are ;-)

This morning I woke at 5am with pain , in thoracic area, rib, lumbar back!!! For the first time in a month.....along with this buttock pain. I so upsert as I thought i had this lumbar pain treated .

So I Went to physio this afternoon, she said lumabar felt 'tight' massaged etc did her magic and said return for 'traction' Monday. Using the hot water bottle now will take analgesia tonight, pain score 3-4/10 very bearable when up and about..bout I'm so disheartened. Its like a 'dull' ppain in the lumbar and then 'darts' int he buttocks

Xray Chest thoracic, lumbar, t spine showed ''Mild Scoliosis of upper lumbar spine concave to the left. This could be real or simply positional''

MRI Thoracic Spine showed: "Kyphotic angulation of thoracic spine though verterbral alignmnet is satisfactoty. Large haemangioma in the T3 vertebral body but this is unlikely to be of clinical significance. There is early loss of disc signal in the lower thoracic spine. No significant bulging, protrusion or extrusion''

Lumbar MRI; cant find report but all Normal

Would like to know if anyone has any advice, suggestions, feedback to complement my tx. and exercises. I would love if someone could give me a reason for the cause of the pain. Or recommend stretches, extar exercises.

Many thanks in advance, apologies if post is a bit mixed up/jumbled up.but its good to give a vent!!!

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