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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 36, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 year, Symptom Behaviour: a bit worse i suppose, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): N/A, Aggravating Factors:: stretching, Easing Factors:: doing nothing :), Investigations: one physio said its ITBS (runners knee) and another said it was my tight quads, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no

    Question ITBS or something else?

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    i have been feeling a sliding sensation on the outer part of my left knee for some time.
    it became a problem 6 months ago after a week of hiking. it was very sore (mostly down hill) and a bit swollen. since then i have not been hiking in mountains and there is no pain.

    sometimes during the day there is no 'sliding' when i bend my leg but other times there is.
    its as if a band is 'sliding' over a part of the outside knee and then snapping into place once over a piece of bone (or whatever is there).
    after lots of research i'm 95% sure this is ITB Syndrome but i also broke and dislocated my left hip (to the rear) 10 years ago so the two could be related.

    i have done a few exercises (from youtube etc) for 3 weeks BUT the 'sliding' is still there and even gets worse when i do a bunch of stretches in a row which is why i'm a bit unsure that this is infact ITBS.

    is it common for the 'sliding' to get worse when stretching? there is no pain so i'm wondering if this is a case of 'its gonne get worse before it gets better' type of thing.
    what is a general time frame (if i do stetches twice a day) for ITBS to fully go away?
    i also notice the 'sliding' goes away if i stretch out my hip flexors but after 15 minutes it returns.

    should also add that i can hear a 'crunching' sound from my knee if i bend it a bit while standing on one leg.

    any help, wisdom or suggestions would be greatly appreciated as after a year of this, i really want to get rid of it and get back to hiking in the mountains of course

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    Re: ITBS or something else?

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    The symptoms you present with appear to be of ITBS only. What i would recommend is that instead of using you tube for understanding the exercises, go to a physical therapist in your area and get those stretches done. You need to stretch your ITB, your quads and your hamstrings too. Also look after the strengthening part by working your VMO redularly so that it pulls the patella medially and taking load off the ITB. You can also try McConnels taping techniques that provide good effects almost instantaneously. And again go to a registered practitioner to get the taping done as it helps in better surface congruence of the patella in the patellar groove and also helps in attaining better VMO function quickly.
    Try some friction massage and icing over the ITB as well.

    Hope it helps,
    Dr. Utkarsh Narang (PT)

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