Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 27, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1 year, Aggravating Factors:: In higher activity level, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Painful Scar After Medial Plica Resection
My problem is a painful scar after medial plica resection (surgery was done 1 year ago). Resection was a big
mistake (in mri little meniscal tear was suspected). Well, in
surgery there wasn´t any meniscal tears, they found medial plica irritation and
it was resected). I´m 100 % sure, that it would have healed within two months of
rest and corrective exercises, because my other knee had same kind of symptons,
and it healed properly in two months.
After surgery I gained full ROM in a few months, have done lots of strengthening
exercises (especially glutes and quads), lots of foam folling for ITB/rectus
and glutes, used kinesiotaping, tried transcutaneous fibrolysis/graston
treatment for the scar tissue…
So my question is, what else could I do about it? It´s getting better slowly, but
it´s definitely still worser than before resection. There´s still pain in
heavier lifts, jumping activities, on stairs and when I´m standing on affected
leg and bringing more pressure to the knee. Pain is on the medial side of knee,
where the plica is resected, just where the hoffa´s fat pad is (there could be
horra´s fat pad irritation too because of the surgery). Do you have had same
kind of experiences about Plica resections? I strongly believe that plica can
heal conservatively in most cases and surgery can make things worse. Thanks, if
someone can help!
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