Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 25, Female, Presenting Problem Since: 2 years, Investigations: MRI showing tear in ACl, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Graft failure following ACL reconstruction

Two years ago I fell awkwardly and injured my knee. It was very unstable and painful. I went to hydrotherapy and physiotherapy for 6 months. The knee felt stronger but the pain was getting worse. I was sent for an MRI which showed a complete tear of the ACL. I had surgery in January last year, 9 months after I sustained the injury.The reconstruction went well and I started the long recovery. I did my physio daily and had Hydro once a week. The knee felt more stable and pain was reducing. 6 weeks after surgery I went flying on a wet kitchen floor and twisted the post op knee. It hurt like hell and swelled immediately. I went to A and E who said everything was fine i'd just pulled the muscles.
9 months post op my knee was still unstable and was very painful following exercise. 20 minutes walking was enough to bring pain levels up. The knee became more unstable the more I did. My knee also started clicking and crunching which caused more pain and got worse over time. I was still doing my physio daily and saw my physio weekly. She advised I go back to see my surgeon, he carried out an arthroscopy yesterday (1 year after reconstruction) during which he found a lot of scar tissue which he cleared up, the underside of my knee cap was very rough so he smoothed it off and the ACL graft was also partially torn.
I was surprised to hear the graft was torn but it does at least explain why my knee is still unstable. I am hoping the debridement will help reduce the pain I have been experiencing but now need to decide whether to have the ACL reconstructed again or leave it be. My concerns are that if I opt for no surgery, the knee will continue to deteriorate and the pain will return. I don't know if it was the original surgery, or the acl graft tearing that caused the rough edges in the joint.
I do not see my surgeon for 4 weeks and as i was still in the recovery room when he spoke to me yesterday, was in no state to be processing information and asking questions.
Has anyone else had an ACL graft tear, or a partial ACL tear? Did this cause you any long term problems and have you had it reconstructed?
Would really appreciate any help or advise, Its been two years now since my original injury and I'm desperate to get back to normal life where i am not restricted by my knee.
Many thanks
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