Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 30, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 1-2months, Symptom Behaviour: Better, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Only when I run, Aggravating Factors:: Running, Easing Factors:: Not running ;-), Investigations: X-ray for fracture in tibia, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no
Urgent:Lower leg pain while running

Hi I started running about 2 months ago (weight 105) and one night on the treadmill my ankle twisted because of running shoes made for pronaters and I supanate.A few days later I ran again and my ankle was still sore so I started running on my heel with a straight leg in a way,about 15 minutes in I felt something pop on the side of my tibia(medial side) about 4 inches down from my knee.At the same time I felt a funny feeling in the back of my bum.I struggled walking for about 3 weeks.Used loads of anti-inflammatory's and went for a fracture x-ray which showed all is good.Went to see a physio who had no idea what is wrong and just said its a compensation injury.After the first week my leg was tender all along my tibia and point of injury which I thought was my soleus.I did allot of massaging to break down whatever it was.At the moment it's not tender any more, but I tried to run and I get this really bad pain on impact running from my patella tendon downwards.It's not tender when I touch it,just when I run....(my weight now 97kg)any ideas on what to do as I must do a course in middle July which I need to be fit for and must be able to run at least: 8km.
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