Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 21, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 3 years, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): all times. constant mobility problems, Aggravating Factors:: movement (walking, exercise, etc.), Easing Factors:: painkillers, ice, support, Investigations: x-rayed every 4 weeks at fracture clinic. consultation with specialist, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues, Other Info: no
5th Metatarsal problems (Any advice welcomed)

HI there,
I am currently immobilised with a broken 5th metatarsal for the 3rd time in 3 years. Both previous times the hospital sent me away supposedly fit after maximum of 8 weeks despite a constant pain during the whole 3 years i have had this problem. I have returned to hospitals and doctors offices many times complaining of pain to be told many different excuses (e.g. growing pains! I have size 12 feet so no more growing!) when I myself knew the problem was more serious and have been dismissed every time with only a bandage.
On the 15th April 2012 I turned on the ball of my foot walking down stairs and heard a snap, I went to the emergency room to be told the exact same spot on my foot had broken again. I am still suffering from pain and poor movement in my right foot, even though I was told by the doctor that the healing time would be 6-8 weeks. Its now going on the 14th week and there is still pain. On the last x-ray I was told that the bone has only started to heal yet they sent me home in a tube bandage and said to go back to work and leisure activities (I'm a football coach in my spare time).
I have recently went to see a specialist and they have said that the problem is in a stiff calf muscle so my ankle cannot bend enough when I walk, causing stress on the metatarsal. They said that because I lead with the outside of my foot when I put my foot down then it is always the 5th metatarsal that gets the most stress. From people I know who are from a medical background they thought that a bone that has had a previous break and healed properly is stronger than a normal bone.
I am just worried about my future because I am only 21 and don't want this to haunt me for the rest of my life. It has hindered my working and social life and I am desperate for the problem to be resolved. Many people have said about surgery on my foot but I wanted ANY advice because it is a big decision and can have impacts in future times.
Thanks (sorry for the long post) 
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