Male, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
I have come here looking for advice/recommendations you would recommend for a retrolithesis in the lumbar region, the chiropractor noted it was located at L4. This all happened after a massage therapist forefully thrusted into my spine for no real reason.
I was wondering what exercises would be best? What exercises to avoid? What other treatments would you recommend?
I have been suffering with this for nearly a year. I get spasms going in my leg, my back, I have pain in the sacral area/lower back. I have the nerve tingling nearly constant into legs, and I can feel it in the lower back.
Please, I am looking for a solution, I am 29. This really has affected my life.
I've had a MRI which turned out negative.
Symptoms are worse at night and early morning, I wake up from it sometimes, I have to sleep on my side. I cannot sleep on my back without things getting worse.
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I'd suggest theRetrolisthesis was already there and not caused by the massage therapist. I would have a full neurological assessment and perhaps EMG studies to see if it can locate the problem to a particular nerve/nerve root etc. Interesting that your MRI was negative for anything. Anyway the EMG study should show if there is any nerve compromise worthy of note. I would want to see these results after the length of time you have been experiencing symptoms ahead of any further advice. Maybe x-rays in end of range lumbar flexion and extension would be useful to see the vertebral movement.
Aussie trained Physiotherapist living and working in London, UK.
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