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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 14, Female, Presenting Problem Since: Forever, Symptom Behaviour: Remaining constant, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Nope, Aggravating Factors:: Putting a lot of weight on them., Easing Factors:: Nothing, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Hypermobile hips? Double jointed? Help!

    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    I've already been to see a physio about this but she didn't know what it was so let me explain.

    Since i was really young I've always been able to bend my legs the wrong way, I'd sit with my bum on the floor and my knees forward and my calf's next to my bum, with my feet pointing out. soon the other kids noticed and said it was weird so i told my mum and we went to have physio.

    I used to do gymnastics but stopped because my legs couldn't support some of the poses because they would bend. Also, my spine is VERY curved, my back is a sort of S shape. I can bend my arms a lot as well but I think its normal. I want to know what this means and what it is, and whether there are other people like me. Another thing is that I can touch my foot to my waist by pivoting my hip, which I don't think is normal.

    joints thing 1.jpgjoints thing 2.jpgjoints thing 3.jpgjoints thing 4.jpg

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  2. #2

    Re: Hypermobile hips? Double jointed? Help!

    dear Jessnemo,

    It sounds as if you are generalized hyper-mobile. It can be a perfectly normal condition (there are very stiff and very agile people).
    It can also be part of a disorder. The amount of agility (hypermobility) can be assessed by various tests.
    Was the physiotherapist you went to specialized in paediatrics?

    I do suggest you go to a paediatrician and have yourself assessed especially because you are also telling us that your back is extremely curved.

    Good luck Esther

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    Re: Hypermobile hips? Double jointed? Help!

    Hi there,
    You appear to be Hypermobile a condition that affects a small percentage of the population. you can get information on this condition on a site www.hypermobility.org this is the official site of the hypermobility society in the UK and is patroned by a Professor Rodney Graham who is in charge of the hypermobility clinic in University College Hospital in Euston Road in London. They take referrals nationally if you are looking for some expert advice, your GP could refer you. Some people get aches and pains and other things associated with hypermobility when it gets called benign joint hypermobility syndrome, but, as the other poster above suggests you may not get any of these problems and just be hypermobile, with no associated problems. try not to do party tricks with your joints as it can cause undue stress to the joints and try to stay muscle strong so something like swimming could be a good sport to get in to. you will probably find the females in the family have similarly mobile joints as it tends to run down the female side. hope this helps.

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    Re: Hypermobile hips? Double jointed? Help!

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Hi Jess, I think you have joint hypermobility syndrome. There are a range of physiotherapy techniques that can be used to correct it. For example, you may perform strengthening and balance training, special stretching techniques.


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