Age: 43, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 8 months, Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
Major problem / Symptomatic Areas
Shoulder - Posterior - Right
Shoulder - Anterior - Right
I fell over and was diagnosed with a AC Joint Dislocation on the 14th Feb 2014, this was through the NHS and they did not tell me which type it was. from my own research i believe it to be a type 3 or 4.
They did not offer surgery and informed me that it would heal on its own with time and all i would have is a small lump on the AC Joint.
I lift heavyweights and bodybuild and since the injury i am still suffering from pain in the shoulder and i have noticed less tension in the Trap on that side and the Shoulder Delt is now a different shape.
From what i understand the shoulder actually drops down rather than the Collar bone rising up which would explain the lack of Trap muscle on that side of my body as it has been stretched down.
Also the whole Deltoid on the rightside of my body lacks definition compared to the left.
I have been given basic exercises to do to help with recovery which i do as part of my program, but not sure if they have considered i actually life weights already so the exercises seem a little null and void.
my questions:
1) When i would expect the pain to totally go bearing in mind i lift heavy weights
2) Will I ever gain the muscle definition back in my shoulder and trap?
3) Is the above normal in an AC joint dislocation?
I really thank whoever responds to me, i have spoken with several Physios on the matter but i am not getting a definitive answer, almost getting to the point where i take a picture round of before and after so they can see the difference in the shoulder shape.
Again thank you for any time you spend on answering the above, it will be greatly appreciated.
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