Hi all.

I've been working on an issue for a while now and wanted some opinions on how it sounds and possible causes?

My issue right now is tightness in my left QL / Erector Spinae region... My left side is actually larger than my right and feels a lot harder when trying any myofasical release... After looking at some front and back pics of myself it looks like my left hip is hiked up and rotated backwards.
The functional issue's i suffer from are a reduced lack of mobility in my left hip, most noticeable in external rotation. I do yoga and my right hip rotates perfectly fine where as my left just doesn't. Like i hit a wall. It's massively different between right and left. Also i suffer from some SI joint pain on the left.

Here is what i have been doing to try to relieve the tension:

  • Self myofascial release to the left QL / Erector Spinae, TFL and Rectus Femoris.
  • Strength work to my glutes and core
  • I do yoga almost daily to try to lengthen and strengthen my whole body but i pay particular attention to my left hip flexors.
  • Spinal twists given to me to help mobilise my SI joint.

I have noticed some improvement but i'm still suffering a lot and it really feels like there is no fix. I've seen a couple of physio's over the last year but i still don't fully understand the cause and how to resolve it. Any advice as well as recommendation on experts to seek out would be great. I'm in west London.


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