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Thread: Broken

  1. #1
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    Brief Medical History Overview

    Age: 39, Male, Presenting Problem Since: 13 months, Symptom Behaviour: worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): during waking hours, Aggravating Factors:: sitting down for any length of time, Easing Factors:: sleep until i wake up, Investigations: mri on left hip and right ankle, CT scan on shoulders, ultrasound on right hip, rheumatism blood test, x ray on left foot and spine, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Medications, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues

    Major problem / Symptomatic Areas

    Head, Neck - Posterior

    Lumbar, Spine - Posterior

    Chest, Ribs

    Shoulder - Anterior - Left

    Shoulder - Anterior - Right

    Hip, Gluteals - Posterior - Left

    Hip, Gluteals - Posterior - Right

    Hip, Groin, Pelvis - Anterior - Left

    Hip, Groin, Pelvis - Anterior - Right

    Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Left

    Thigh, Quadriceps - Anterior - Right

    Ankle - Left

    Ankle - Right

    Foot - Anterior - Left

    Foot - Anterior - Right


    Physical Agents In Rehabilitation
    Am at my wits end.

    August 2015 I began having the first signs of plantar fasciitis in both feet. As of now the pain is still there but is tolerable.

    Sometime after that got tenosynivitis in my right ankle which comes and goes even today.

    January this year I began having tight calves to go along with them

    February I walked every day to see if it would loosen me up but compensated due to right ankle pain.

    Two weeks after that pain was gone in both feet and lasted til I went back to running and jumping again.

    Two weeks after that I began to have hip tightness on both sides leading to tight IT bands and at the time pain in knees when walking. Got that sorted by a myotherapist but knee pain comes and goes even today.

    As of tonight September 18 2016 I now have tightness and pain in the front of both hips, left moreso then right, tight lower back at times, IT bands wont loosen and the tightness has progressed down to my peroneals down to both ankles leading to left ankle pain though thankfully no extra right side pain.

    At its worst my quads tighten and it pulls on my adductor muscles as well as the outside and back of my hips when moving. And at its worst i cannot sleep on my side because of the hip pain.

    When I sit down my trapezius muscles tighten on either side of my neck leading to pain down my chest to my bicep on the left side, I can no longer sit for any length of time and cannot stay standing all the time cause of my feet problems still existing.

    Have spent $4,000 seeing specialists, getting scans, and about to spend another $300 trying to chase relief but wondering if there is any.

    I try stretching pretty much everything, calves, ankles, quads, hamstrings, glutes, have now taken up swimming of a morning along with the lightest weight I can use in workouts (1-2 stacks max), can no longer work because of these issues and am hating life more and more. I had an mri on my left hip which ruled out structural damage, only had gluteus minimum tendinosis and mild trochanteric bursitis which I got a cortisone injection for.

    I dont know if the stretches I do are making me better or worse so am totally lost.

    Am at my wits end not knowing if it is my TFL, hip flexor, QL, piriformis, about the only thing I am sure of is it is not my psoas. I cannot sit, I cannot sleep, I can barely walk on my worst days and cant live like this.

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    Re: Broken


    Firstly, I am sorry that you are feeling so low and I do hope you feel better soon.! I am sending you "positive energy!"

    1) Do you still suffer from plantar fasciitis ? Is it worst first thing in the morning, as you put your weight on your feet ? If the answer is yes, I would suggest a pain of orthotic flip flops, that will stop your feet from over-pronating and let the healing of the plantar fascia to continue. You see the body is great at repairing itself, and during the time when you are asleep or resting the plantar fascia begins to heal, but then the moment you put your feet down, baaamm it tears again, and this now becomes something that you have learnt to live with..get a pair of sandals or flip flops that will stop this from happening. You may want to try comfort flip flops | flopeds | orthotic support ( or a similar type product)

    2) Once you get relief from these ( or a similar type product), you should consider an orthotic for you to continue to provide your feet with the support. Depending on how much you feet are over pronating, there will be a fair amount of internal tibial rotation, which in-turn can cause the hips to tilt forward and then the back muscles will try and correct the tilt and this causes the entire body to be thrown out of alignment. But in its simple terms the feet are still the foundation of the body and any mis-alignment can transfer higher up the body.

    3) I would also suggest you stay away from any high impact activity - walking / swimming is fine..just listen to your body.

    Let me know how it goes.

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    Re: Broken

    Aircast Airselect Short Boot
    Thank you for your thoughtful reply Douglas. It is appreciated

    My plantar fasciitis has gone from feeling like nails are being hammered into my heels to now feeling like I am being pricked by a rose thorn now and then so for the most part it is healing. I am currently swimming, walking on the treadmill and riding the bike at gym for exercise.

    I shall take your kind advice though and seek further options for my feet in hopes that I can get back to zero pain and hopefully re-align the rest of my body.




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