Hey guys, wonder if anyone can help or has a similar experience? I have been searching the net for months but can’t find anyone with a similar experience.
I had an ACL graft from my hamstring over a year ago (Dec 2018) due to tearing it and injuring the meniscus. Surgery went well and the meniscus healed fully before the surgery as was checked during.
Post-surgery I had intense physio that went very well, and my knee is now pretty much as strong as my non-operated knee. I am able to cycle, run, skip, workout and do everything I was able to before not to mention my flexibility is about 98% back to how it was before which I know is better than most who have undergone the same surgery.
So, my question is, does anyone who has undergone this surgery or something similar have a strange sensation on the knee when wearing jeans, jogging bottoms/sweatpants or trousers? Or being in water not to mention showering? My knee becomes super stiff and sometimes even feels twisted which every now and then makes a small popping sensation. Wearing shorts or nothing on my leg almost feels like I never had surgery.
If someone does have something similar and over come it, would you mind sharing?

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