Brief Medical History Overview
Age: 36, Male, Presenting Problem Since: around 2 years, Symptom Behaviour: Worse, Symptoms Worse (24hr Behaviour): Similar throughout the day, Aggravating Factors:: Not doing my maintenance routine, Easing Factors:: Yumeiho, exercises, No Investigations, No Diabetes, No history of High Blood Pressure, No Osteoporosis, No Hx of Cancer, No Unexplained Weight Loss, No Bowel/Bladder issues
I have a specific problem, does anyone know the answer ?

Hello, I have a problem (with my joints) that I have been dealing with for 2 years now but it has gotten worse and I need to find a solution that would fix it permanently if it is possible. And I would really appreciate if I could get advice from someone who has experience in dealing with this issue.
I asides from my joint problems, I have allergy and eczema (autoimmune illness) and I manage both of those by reducing inflammation in different ways and that is not a big problem for me, but this thing with my joints is becoming something difficult to endure. Two years ago I had an injury twice in my ankle and after a couple of months, my bad walk affected the structure in my other joints. I had to go several times to chiropractors and I did Yumeiho, but the problem was that none of the treatments had a permanent effect. I also have long term chronic stress which I really can not reduce completely as my situation is complex that I can not change it besides everything I already did, so I have to deal with the body symptoms now and to repair what I can.
From what I see my joints are not holding good and it is getting worse. I have smaller to medium pain in different joints in my body. If I wear loose sandals the bones of my feet shift and lose proper structure and I have to go to a chiropractor to fix me. If I sleep on my side even in the most proper position that my therapist recommended, still the spine looses it's alignment along with my neck, and shoulders, and I start to bend and I have to go to a chiropractor to set me straight again, and that wasn't like that in the past. Now what is happening as something new is that even my joints in the jaw start to feel uncomfortable and achy when I sleep on my anatomical pillow so I can clearly see that the problem is systemic and in the whole body regarding my joints. Even if I sleep on my stomach but with one leg to the side which is comfortable for me, then my shoulder starts to lower down and my back become bent, and that gives me a pressure on my right knee which causes me damage and I also need to go to a chiropractor to fix me. When I sit or lie down in my bed I can not feel comfortable any more so I don't get a quality rest.
I go to a Yumeiho treatment once a month or if I didn't do that I would be very much crippled by now, and my situation is that serious even though if you saw me I still look healthy and you couldn't tell it easily. I do some exercises with weights do tighten the muscles that hold my back and each day I do different exercises to maintain me and I still can not sustain my joint structure well enough. I also have a problem that the fascia of my right hip becomes too tightened and tensed that I have to do proprioceptive exercises for my hip because it starts lose it's stability and then when I walk (if I didn't do that) it damages my right knee.
I would really be grateful if I could get strategies and ideas how to approach my problem and if there is any way to turn it around or to improve it that I regain functionality without having to invest a lot of maintenance energy. Thank very much you for your time.
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